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Spiritual Wealth- an overflowing passion for His presence understanding of His principles, inner peace that passes all understanding
Emotional Wealth- the abundance of positive emotions and the ability to manage my negative ones
Relational Wealth- a state where you have the right people in your life positioned in the right place in the right season
Financial Wealth is the state of financial overflow that enables an individual to avoid some issues and address others
UTMA is a custodial account for children
What is a cornerstone? A cornerstone is an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends on or based on. The foundation.
A cornerstone has Bibical meaning too. It is the rock upon which the weight of the entire structure rests. Some identify it as Jesus is the chief cornerstone of our faith.
There are various types of financial wealth such as Stocks. Real estate (Airbnb), if you are an entrepreneur your business, starting a franchise, flipping houses, or maybe options with stocks.
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