How many of you can admit to having ever thought “Why is she being like that”, whether it be about your mother, sister, a partner or even a friend, can you relate to times when you thought they were being unnecessarily “moody” or “irritable” or “too quiet”? Growing up in a female dominant household, I can remember the times when these thoughts crossed my mind, and even as a grown adult I find myself presented with scenario’s that lead me to ask this question. Of course, there are so many reasons as to why somebody might be behaving in a certain way, and as human beings, we learn understanding and empathy for others and whatever challenges they may face, however, one thing that we often don’t learn, is how we can best navigate menopause. Menopause is something that affects all women, and in turn, can indirectly affect the family, friends and even the colleagues of those who are going through it. Looking back at my life, and having discussed this recently with other male friends and colleagues, I have found that there has generally been a lack of discussion on menopause, and this has led to an absence of knowledge and understanding. Also, of note, is that many females I spoke to also felt that there was a lack of education for them as they grew into women. As children we had had sex education, and lessons in our personal health and social care, and were given an understanding of menstruation. Thinking about this now, I personally feel that having a discussion about the menopause would also have been of benefit to myself, and to the women I know who have been and are going through it. I am not entirely sure why we are so lacking in dialogue surrounding such an important topic, but one thing which I am sure of, is that having a broader understanding of the menopause would not only help all women to prepare and navigate this often difficult time, educating a broader society would give us a better understanding, and in turn be able to be emphatic and better support. So… Lets talk Menopause!!! Resources Menopause Support provides education, information, advice and support to individuals and employers via private consultations, public workshops, and webinars. Free resources include videos, posters, symptom checkers, 10 things your Dr should know about menopause, Understanding Menopause for Partners and how to prepare for your Drs appointment. We also host a private menopause support private community on Facebook called The Menopause Support Network Women's Health Concernis part of the British Menopause Society (BMS) offering factual, evidence-based information for the public. The British Menopause Society- Useful to find videos of menopause specialists talking about specific aspects of menopause and to find your nearest NHS menopause clinic using the 'find a specialist’ search tool. The Daisy Network is a charity supporting those affected by premature menopause The National Institute of Medical Herbalists is the UK's leading professional organisation of practitioners of herbal medicine. Books Oestrogen Matters, Avrum Bluming and Carol Tavris, PhD The Complete Guide to the Menopause- Dr Annice Mukherjee Natural Menopause- Consultant editor Anne Henderson MA MRCOG The Complete Guide to POI & Early Menopause, Dr Hannah Short and Dr Mandy Leonhardt The XX Brain- Dr Lisa Mosconi Me & My Menopausal Vagina, one woman’s story of living with vaginal atrophy, useful downloadable leaflet, and poster MBoldened- Menopause conversations we all need to have- Edited by Caroline Harris Menopause in the workplace CIPD- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development excellent workplace resources focusing on menopause. Let's talk menopause | CIPD Guidance FOM-Faculty of occupational medicine useful downloadable document and poster on supporting menopause in the workplace. - Guidance-on-menopause-and-the-workplace-v6.pdf ( ACAS- helpful information for employers and employees
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