
  • Meet The Best NFL Game Picker on the Planet
    Oct 15 2020
    The Game Day's Elliot Harrison and 3-time Pro Bowl Running Back Steven Jackson dive into the Le'Veon Bell saga, trends of the week, upcoming matchups the best bets you can place your money on for Week 6 in the NFL.
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    1 h et 7 min
  • Stock Up / Stock Down (Week 7)
    Oct 20 2020
    The Packers take a fall, the Steelers rise up and the Browns... they just might be on their way up as well despite a devastating loss to the Steelers in Week 6. Find out who Elliot Harrison believes is trending ⬆️ and whos stock is trending ⬇️ ahead of Week 7👀
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    10 min
  • Can Derrick Henry rush his way to MVP?
    Oct 22 2020
    The Game Day's Elliot Harrison and NFL writer/analyst Marcus Mosher dive into all things Week 7 in the NFL, while laying out their best betting tips and analysis for the upcoming weekend. PLUS - NFL Pick Watch founder Shaun Lowrie joins the show for a second straight week to further discuss trends and break down pivotal insights into the NFL betting world. Some things covered: Which team is earning bettors the most money this season?💰 Why you should bet on the underdog✅ Derrick Henry's chances at MVP Steelers as legit Super Bowl contenders The Eagles are much better than people think The strength of the NFC Best (West) MORE
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    1 h et 19 min
  • Can The Jets Really Lose EVERY game?!
    Oct 30 2020
    The Game Day's Marcus Mosher dives into all things Week 8 in the NFL, welcoming NFL Pick Watch founder Shaun Lowrie to further discuss trends and break down pivotal insights into the best bets and analysis for the upcoming weekend. Some things covered⬇️ Are the Steelers more likely to go undefeated or the Jets to go winless? Latest Super Bowl / MVP odds Teams making and losing 💵 Which teams are on Upset Watch for Week 8👀 Battle for AFC North (PIT vs BAL) MORE 🚨
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    41 min
  • Burrow, Tagovailoa and Herbert are Legit | Stock Up / Stock Down (Week 9)
    Nov 2 2020
    Justin Herbert, Joe Burrow and Tua Tagavailoa are all rookies trending up as we pass the halfway mark of the season. Meanwhile the weather begins to make things tougher for offenses across the league ❄️💨 Find out who Adam Kramer believes is trending ⬆️ and whos stock is trending ⬇️ ahead of Week 9👀
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    10 min
  • Brady vs Belichick | Who Wins Super Bowl First?
    Nov 5 2020
    The Game Day's Dynamic Duo is here! Marcus Mosher (@Marcus_Mosher) and Adam Kramer (@KegsnEggs) break down all things Week 9 in the NFL, discussing trends and giving pivotal insights into the best bets and analysis for the upcoming weekend. Some things covered⬇️ BRADY vs BELICHICK - WHO HAS A BETTER CHANCE TO WIN A SUPER BOWL?🏆 ROOKIE OF THE YEAR - WHO STANDS OUT?🌧️ COACH OF THE YEAR - CAN TOMLIN BRING IT HOME? DOLPHINS FUTURE - ☀️ or 🌧️ UPDATED BETTING TRENDS OF THE WEEK📈 MORE 🚨 Check us out for more below ⬇️ Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fthegameday.com&event=video_description&v=eHS046LlGnk&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHBUbVc4azdtdGU3OGVremdJT1hwSTV6b2otQXxBQ3Jtc0treGpXV0EtdzVCVGJMUnVvZW5ZMWFwWFBFQ2cyUUZqbHNOYm1acF92NlZtSnEwbU8zMEdfX1ZIeU1HREs1RWItNEhWdU1CN19OSWc5aGJUODEyV0ZMa3hnSVdPQmdZTWVqWFlSRl8zTElIRDZUbHRjdw%3D%3D (https://thegameday.com) Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fthegamedaynfl&event=video_description&v=eHS046LlGnk&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmdYRDhRQXFvaE5aclRHd1kwam1PRFZ3a1IyQXxBQ3Jtc0tuOHEtTEVYc251dlFRTVlURUljNy1KM2xTRDBLcUZqNFFLbXB5Q0ZkazJPOFJ2NDlXRTlwOU9MR25TLTVMR0F4Mm9haDFhU2tlMU9FaUw4Vi1WbDVyTUV0N1Y0TjNsQlFvOHlLR05BVHdSZkhOY2dLRQ%3D%3D (https://twitter.com/thegamedaynfl) Instagram: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fthegamedaynfl&event=video_description&v=eHS046LlGnk&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTZiSVZLaFJwSG5uck9taFBpaEY2ZFVYQTRaUXxBQ3Jtc0ttalFMVUNhVklQU0xtR1lfX0JibVBzYTU2T1BOOThNS0pWSHp0cDNYWG9faWtFbEh6MVhVdUk5Z09oaDF0eGF3UzVud2UxU0dnOVJIckJHaFNZVGkyQ01qQ0lURkw3cml2X3RpYWZwTlVCVDFGbEVlcw%3D%3D (https://www.instagram.com/thegamedaynfl) Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fthegamedaynfl&event=video_description&v=eHS046LlGnk&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFpqTDJjUzg5NXBDcUlFNW5XZExyLTJ3YjRGUXxBQ3Jtc0tsWVJRWVFlYjRicGdTUzc2bkVkNzkyYWlNN1haa2NNVzBteHY5ajkxR1pWVUN6MzFOZXJJS1E3ZWRxOFZFRHBGRXNFSXhSX1JVanpuYUxveDhVb0U5dXdiU2Zta3ZfUGF6QThKYjRackxOXzc5TC1Yaw%3D%3D (https://www.facebook.com/thegamedaynfl) YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thegamedayNFL
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    1 h et 1 min
  • Jets Are Trending.... Towards Trevor Lawrence | Stock Up / Stock Down (Week 10)
    Nov 10 2020
    As Tank for Trevor continues, the Jets stay trending up... in a not so typical fashion. Meanwhile, running backs struggle and scoring across the league continues to soar. Find out who Adam Kramer believes is trending 📈, whose stock is trending 📉 and whose stock we should watch ahead of Week 10👀
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    10 min
  • Burrow, Herbert, Tua, or Kyler - Who Do You Take?
    Nov 12 2020
    Marcus Mosher (@Marcus_Mosher) and Adam Kramer (@KegsnEggs) break down all things Week 10 in the NFL, discussing trends and giving pivotal insights into the best bets and analysis for the upcoming weekend. Debate of the Week: Which 1st or 2nd-year QB would you take if you had the choice? 🏈 Game Previews: Colts @ Titans Bills @ Cardinals Seahawks @ Rams Chargers @ Dolphins Bucs @ Panthers Rapid Fire Picks🔥 Jaguars @ Packers (-14) O/U (52) Washington @ Lions (-3.5) O/U (46.5) Texans @ Browns (-3) O/U (53.5) Eagles (-3) @ Giants O/U (44.5) Broncos @ Raiders (-5.5) O/U (52) 49ers @ Saints (-9.5) O/U (50) Ravens (-7.5) @ Patriots O/U (43.5) Vikings (-2.5) @ Bears O/U (45) Bengals @ Steelers (-7.5) O/U (46.5) STAY TUNED FOR THE PARLAY OF THE WEEK $25 TO WIN $1,469💰
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    51 min