Title: S2EP58, Finding The Way To Forgive, Debut Novel, Something Better with Diane Parrish What a delightful conversation with fellow Westporter, Diane Parrish who launched her first book this week. Her novel, Something Better, is a book you can't put down. I read it a few months ago and I am still thinking about it. And that says something because I usually can't even remember what books I have just read. We talk about how Diane went about conceiving and nurturing her book. Anyone wanting to write/publish a book will find inspiration and motivation to hear about Diane's process. I got to talk about my process and forgive myself for what happened. Forgiveness is the theme of Diane's book so it was perfect. Something Better will leave you thinking, wondering, and perhaps even healing your own life's disappointments and grudges. Grab a copy wherever books are sold. Thank you again, Diane, for your wonderful prose and this fabulous gift to the world. Website: dianeparrish.com instagram.com/dianeparrishauthor #hilaryburns #DianeParrish #gettingrealwithhilary #realtalk #getreal #getfree #inspiration #thegettingrealwithhilaryshow #somethingbetter #forgiveness #debutnovel #love #affairs #marriage #death #tragedy #church #novel #redemption