Concluding the third dimension of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions, as we move on to the fourth arena. Both emphasizing practical behavioral divide (in addition to attitude, theory, and theology) between the one who trust, and the one who doesn't! Episode Four of the Fifth Chapter, entitled "THE GIVER" demonstrates a huge practical difference caused by the possession real, clear Bitachon! After completing “Same Difference” we move on "The Giver" who views Parnassa as the blessings of Hashem. This perspective influences our actions, rather than just our attitude towards benevolence. Distinctions Number Four shows a vast difference in generosity in life, spending habits, and charitable giving. Here we will discover how Bitachon can inspire a Good-Heartedness that leads to More vs Selfishness that ends with less! This fourth segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" completing the third dimension and presenting the fourth comprises the 139th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!