I believe God has the Glory on His Mind. He is not focused on the gifts or the Anointing. I believe He has released the revelation on those matters. We are exercised in this revelation.
The Revelation He is releasing today is about the Glory!
The Glory is released through God the Father; through God the Son; and through God the Holy Spirit, the 3 in one, the Holy Trinity.
The Mind of the Father planned and timed the release of the Glory of time. He is releasing the greater glory on this last day.
Listen in as Prophet Lisa shares her experience and the revelation she received through time spent with the Lord concerning the Greater Glory and the measure of Glory we carry today.
Scripture References:
Leviticus 10:3; Isaiah 42:8; 1Chronicles 16:27; 1 Corinthians 1:27-29; Haggai 2:9; Isaiah 60:1-2
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