
  • The Hairapy Podcast: Who Are You?
    Dec 13 2023
    You have a business, you want to succeed, you want to grow. How do you go about it? Branding, marketing, and graphic design are powerful tools to show the world who YOU are and what you have to offer. Special guest Tiff Jenniges, Graphic Designer, talks about websites, logo designs, marketing and how to make your mark. Follow her on IG @wild.hare.creative
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    33 min
  • The Hairapy Podcast: OH CANADA & Behind the Scenes of Magazines
    Nov 29 2023
    Special guest Morgan Thomas joins us! She is an editorial stylist and independent educator! Here's everything we LOVE about Canada, they're pretty chill, eh? And their incredible hair product lines-- Design Me and Oligo. Follow us on Instagram! Morgan Thomas @JadeBeautyCo and Chelsea & Jill @thehairapypodcast
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    42 min
  • The Hairapy Podcast: Unpopular Opinions
    Nov 15 2023
    Unpopular opinions...and what's popular anyways. We're big mouths, with big hearts, and we're opinionated. And that can get us in trouble. But sometimes...it can be a good thing. Here's to all the unpopular peeps who have broken filters. xo Maybe you can relate?
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    44 min
  • The Hairapy Podcast: Just Some Small Town Girls
    Nov 1 2023
    Just some small-town girls, working hard and making it work. Special guest Paige Savelkoul, cosmetologist from Revive Co, joins us. Paige works roughly one block from Jill and forged a friendship with one major thing in common...their love for what they do. Dishing the dirt, and finding the gold on this week's podcast. @paigesavelkoulhair #hairapypodcast @thehairapypodcast @jillslatest
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    49 min
  • The Hairapy Podcast: For All Curl Kind
    Oct 18 2023
    Curls, coils and textures! OH MY! Hey Curly Girls (and guys) have you suffered from hair trauma? A bad haircut or color? Or you've been fighting your natural hair texture forever? No more! Embrace all that is good with the Curl Expert Martina Nicholas, owner of Sunflower Curls Studio and Educator. She's got tips, passion and compassion for those who are struggling with their hair texture. Here's to making you look and feel good! Follow her at @4AllCurlKind and @SunflowerCurlsStudio
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    37 min
  • The Hairapy Podcast: Halloween...Feeling Goulish
    Oct 4 2023
    Chelsea gets to the bottom of Jill's obsession with Halloween. Reminiscing about days of trick or treating, blizzards, best costumes and who got banned from a Haunted House for life. Jill's open house October 28th has MONSTER savings and Spooky delights.
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    25 min
  • The Hairapy Podcast: Fall Fanatics Barn Burners, Jill "Hair Model", and a Goulish Party
    Sep 20 2023
    We are SO ready for Fall! Jill and her Mom are all about the Barn when it comes to fall décor. What Jill learned in Chicago and her experience as a hair model!
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    18 min
  • The Hairapy Podcast: Cool Story Bro- Mental and Physical Health
    Sep 6 2023
    #Burnout #MentalHealth #Hashtag Yes we need to be healthy, but what does that mean. Stop settling for just being ok. Do some inventory. Some intense statistics showing that hair stylists are at some serious health risks. Our jobs train us how to work, but not always how to be healthy at work. Chelsea & Jill flip the script and dish it up for mental health and physical health.
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    47 min