
  • 5. Be True To Yourself
    May 10 2024

    Part Five of The Reclamation Series - You are done feeling like life is happening to you, it is time to create the life you want! Subscribe for journal prompts and an exclusive invitation: https://www.cassiezeeb.com/relcamation

    0:00 Intro

    1:50 Oracle Card Pull – Lineage of The Rose

    5:00 How are you being called to decondition and commit to humanity via your authenticity

    8:10 How committed are you to create the change you desire?

    11:15 The importance of up-leveling your community

    13:00 Why new solutions are not one size fits all

    18:55 Key Takeaway – Nothing is more important than be true to yourself

    26:00 Announcement – The Launch of The Reclamation League

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • 4. Your Desires are Gifts
    May 9 2024

    Part 4 of The Reclamation Series is GOING DOWN! You did everything right. You got the degree. The job. Maybe you’ve raised the kids, kept the home, done the things you thought would bring you purpose and joy. But purpose and joy somehow still feel out of reach. What to do next?

    Explore your desires - they are there to guide you as your unique blueprint for life.

    Subscribe to my email list to receive the daily journal prompts to make the most of your reclamation process. Join at https://www.cassiezeeb.com/relcamation

    0:00 Welcome & Intro

    3:50 Oracle Card Pull - Trust The Seasons

    6:15 Gifts vs Skills

    9:00 My Journey to Discovering my Gifts

    14:00 Believing in yourself even if doesn't make sense

    15:20 How to find your gifts

    15:45 Time is a human concept - our souls see beyond time

    18:43 Your struggles are part of your reclamation story

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    22 min
  • 3. Your self-love is your power
    May 8 2024

    Part Three of The Reclamation Series - This episode speaks to anyone who feels like they are doing everything right but not getting the results they desire in their life. Tune in to determine what is standing in your way.

    Subscribe to the email list for supplemental journal prompts & support at https://www.cassiezeeb.com/relcamation

    0:00 Intro

    2:00 Your ability to love and accept yourself is your power - Fear is like a bad Uber Driver

    3:00 Follow along via my email list to dig into your own reclamation journey - Recap

    4:40 Oracle card pull - The Sun

    5:55 What does it mean to "play small"

    9:55 Leaning into the values & beliefs of the version of you who embraces their worthiness

    11:30 Detach from the how

    Follow me on IG! @Cassie_withlove

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    15 min
  • 2. Heal Your Belief System
    May 7 2024

    Day Two of The Reclamation Series is all about understanding your belief system and how it is impacting your ability to show up as your authentic self.

    Grab your supplemental journal prompts at https://www.cassiezeeb.com/relcamation

    0:00 Intro

    2:18 Oracle Cards: Healing the Mother Line & The Return

    3:00 What does it mean to be aligned

    4:30 How to find your worthiness

    8:00 My healing journey

    10:30 What is ancestral trauma

    12:30 Using astrology to learn about yourself

    17:30 Masculine vs Feminine Energies and a new way of being in relationship

    19:30 Understanding how my wounding shows up in my beliefs

    23:33 How Codependency shows up in my business

    Keywords: Leo ascendent, leo rising, aquarius sun, natal chart, lilith in leo, lilith in the 1st house, chiron in gemini, chiron in the 11th house,

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • 1. Am I Fake? Empowerment through Authenticity
    May 6 2024

    ✨Journal Prompts:


    Part of one The Reclamation Series. I want you to stand in your power. To show up with so much honesty, bravery and wholeness that the world has no choice but to love and receive you entirely. In this 5 part series we will talk about what it means to reclaim your power and why it is important to do so.

    0:00 Intro: What is The Reclamation Series and why am I doing it.

    1:35 Today's Intention: What does it mean to be in your power? How do you know you are in your power?

    2:58 My Empowerment Story: Leaving a bad relationship but still struggling to be happy.

    4:50 How to know that you are not in your power.

    5:21 What is means to be in your power and find peace and satisfaction.

    6:40 Examples: Waiting for your partner to change or to control how things should be in effort to feel better.

    8:30 What is self abandonment and what is wrong with me?

    12:30 Where fear of rejection and failure is hurting you.

    14:10 Outsourcing your power via control vs empowerment by embracing your gifts, your desires, and possibility for self and others.

    15:41 Your authenticity is magnetic for what you desire.

    This is a great episode for anyone wondering if you should stay or go in your marriage, career, or if you are feeling stuck.

    If it feels like you are on a constant ride, thinking that you are so close to arriving to the place only to have it ripped away from you or to sabotage or lose your place. It is possible to find peace and satisfaction regardless of what is happening in your life around you.

    Authenticity is key.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • 25. How to be good.
    Dec 12 2023

    The right thing to do is not always black & white. On today's bonus episode, Cassie talks about what it feels like to be in your power. From misunderstood egos, to boundaries in disagreements, Cassie explains the differences between behaving in love with respect for yourself versus living your life to make others happy. Stay tuned at the end... Cassie offers an exciting new offer for 2024!

    INSTAGRAM: @Cassie_withlove

    WEBSITE: www.cassiezeeb.com

    Subscribe to this podcast and share with a friend!

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    18 min
  • 24. Coding Your Brain For Success
    Nov 29 2023

    There is a powerful relationship between mindset and achievement. Our beliefs act as the code that shapes the possibilities available to us. In this episode, we’ll discuss how to navigate goal-setting and future aspirations by looking backward and turning inward. We'll uncover the intricate ways in which our thought patterns contribute to the overall coding of our brains and how we can turn our aspirations into attainable goals.

    INSTAGRAM: @Cassie_withlove


    Subscribe to this podcast and share with a friend!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • 23. Setting Boundaries with Love and Limits
    Nov 8 2023

    Setting boundaries in relationships allows you to protect your personal autonomy, well-being, and values while also fostering a healthy dynamic with your partner. Sometimes, establishing boundaries can be challenging due to people pleasing, past experiences, or fear of conflict. Join me as I discuss my thoughts about setting flexible boundaries and share some wisdom from my free workbook, "Building Blocks For Connection."

    INSTAGRAM: @Cassie_withlove

    WEBSITE & FREE WORKBOOK: www.cassiezeeb.com

    Subscribe to this podcast and share with a friend!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min