Hey everyone. I'm Chris and this is The Hard Stuff - A podcast where we talk about #hardrockmusic and we enjoy a few hard cocktails along the way.
Today on the show I'm going to be talking about what to expect with this podcast.
I'll tell you a little bit about myself, the music that I love, and ultimately what to expect going forward.
So, without further ado... let's rock.
#Motley Crue
#Def Leppard
#Bon Jovi
#Iron Maiden
#Guns and Roses
#Black Sabbath
#Iron Maiden
#Judas Priest
#Damn Yankees
#Danger Danger
#Heaven's Edge
#Foo Fighters
#Rage against the machine
#Blink 182
#Linkin Park
#Alice in Chains
#Papa Roach