
  • 🇪🇸 Ep 2: Más allá del escenario - el viaje de dar vida de Debi Nova
    Mar 7 2025

    Como en todo viaje de la heroína, Debi Nova ha transitado por ciclos de transformación, atravesando el vértigo de cuestionar su carrera, la reinvención que trajo consigo la maternidad y el desafío de equilibrar su arte con su nueva identidad. En este episodio, nos comparte su historia de cambio, amor y resiliencia. Desde la incertidumbre hasta la claridad, esta es una historia contada a través de su voz y sus canciones, en la que abre un espacio para compartir, como nunca antes, las emociones, miedos y revelaciones más íntimas de su camino.

    Retiro Resonancia que menciona Christine en el episodio: https://www.conversable.org/formacion

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    IG: @theheroinesjourneyproject

    Mentorias 1:1 https://www.christineraine.org/services

    Link para suscribirse al newsletter: https://www.christineraine.org/contact

    TikTok: @theheroinesjourney

    Este episodio tiene música original de la cantautora costarricense Debi Nova y del cantautor británico Nick Mulvey

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    1 h et 1 min
  • 🇺🇸 Ep 1: Self-Healing, Intuition & Self-Love, with Derek Owen
    Feb 7 2025

    We’re excited to kick off our third season with a wisdom-filled episode coming to you from Wales, UK. Christine engages in a meaningful conversation with Derek Owen (JD), who is not just a guest but a significant influence in her own healing journey. As a Sui and Karuna Reiki Master, Derek guides individuals in reconnecting with their intuition and nurturing self-love, enabling them to heal from within. Through his insights, personal anecdotes, and experiences, he shares what true healing entails—highlighting that it all begins with ourselves. He encourages us to challenge limiting beliefs, reflect on ourselves with kindness, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and presence. His words are an offering of clarity and renewal— one that lingers long after the conversation ends.

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    Follow us:

    IG: @theheroinesjourneyproject

    TikTok: @theheroinesjourney

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    56 min
  • 🇪🇸 Bonus episode. Duelo y celebración: dos caras de la misma moneda con Passiflora (raíz)
    Dec 22 2024

    ¿Alguna vez has vivido el final de un ciclo, relación o proyecto compartido con una persona que te importa profundamente?¿Te has preguntado cómo honrar algo que llega a su final, sin perder la conexión, aunque duela?

    En este “bonus episode” Christine se sienta con sus amigas y colegas Nana y Martha, con quiénes compartió casi una década el proyecto musical Passiflora, para sincerarse sobre cómo navegaron las aguas turbulentas de la salida de Chris del proyecto, mientras guiaban un viaje de un grupo de 20 mujeres por las mágicas Dolomitas, en Italia.🇮🇹✨

    Es una conversación emotiva sobre la honestidad, las rupturas y el poder del perdón.

    Gracias a todes por escuchar, hasta la tercera temporada!

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    1 h et 21 min
  • 🇺🇸 Ep 10: Shedding Layers: Mercedes Kostucki’s Journey to Living Authentically
    Oct 4 2024

    Warning: this episode openly discusses suicide.

    In our last episode of this season, we had the opportunity to speak to Mercedes Kostucki, a Belgian trans woman who shares her raw and courageous story of transformation. Mercedes openly discusses her journey through gender transition and the struggles she faced, including suicidal thoughts, as she fought to live authentically in a world that often rejects those who don't conform.

    We dive into the emotional and psychological challenges of transitioning and the weight of family and social expectations. Mercedes speaks with vulnerability about the darkest moments of her life and the hard won path that eventually led her to self-acceptance. A testament to resilience and the courage to embrace who you truly are, her story speaks to the healing power of intimacy and connection.

    If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please seek help at aquiestoy.cr

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    Follow us:

    IG: @theheroinesjourneyproject

    TikTok: @theheroinesjourney

    Special thanks to Hotel Belmar for supporting this and many other special projects. Follow them on IG: @hotelbelmar

    This episode is also made possible thanks to the support of Kate Linens. For more information, visit https://katelinens.com/

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    1 h et 30 min
  • 🇪🇸 Ep 9: De la Racionalidad al Espiritualismo Mágico: dos adopciones y el amor que lo cambió todo, con Ignacio García
    Sep 20 2024

    En este episodio, el intelectual Ignacio García nos comparte el relato de su profunda transformación: primero como un abogado de derechos humanos con enfoque completamente racional, hasta cultivar el camino espiritual que fue instigado por el amor de su vida y familia.

    A través de su vínculo con la naturaleza, representado por una majestuosa ceiba, y su decisión de adoptar, nos muestra cómo el amor transformador lo llevó a deconstruir viejos patrones patriarcales y a redescubrir su propósito. Su historia refleja un delicado equilibrio entre su ejercicio profesional como abogado y su vida espiritual, mientras construye una familia que incluye tanto hijos biológicos como cósmicos.

    Instituto WEM (Masculinidad, sexualidad y pareja) teléfono: 2225 7511 https://g.co/kgs/s11FoTY

    A Cyborg Manifesto: https://archive.org/details/anarchy_Cyborg_Manifesto_Harroway https://archive.org/details/anarchy_Cyborg_Manifesto_Harroway/page/n3/mode/1up

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    Seguinos en:

    IG: @theheroinesjourneyproject

    TikTok: @theheroinesjourney

    Este episodio tiene música original del cantautor británico Nick Mulvey

    Agradecimiento especial a Kate Linens, una empresa de ropa de cama de lujo que se especializa en todo lo esencial para una noche de sueño perfecta. Descubrí más en https://katelinens.com/

    Gracias al Hotel Belmar por apoyar este y muchos otros proyectos especiales. Podés seguirles en IG @hotelbelmar

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    1 h et 6 min
  • 🇺🇸 Ep 8: "You Are Not Alone, Brother: Redefining Masculinity with Taz Takirau, a Māori indigenous man”
    Sep 6 2024

    In this episode, Taz Takirau, a Māori indigenous man from New Zealand, shares his profound journey of healing and reconnecting with his life's purpose during the C0 VID pandemic. Taz speaks directly to men, discussing the challenges of overcoming deep-seated anger and the importance of building new, healthier masculinities. His motivation comes from his children and grandchildren, and he emphasizes the ongoing work of protecting the Earth and supporting one another. Taz's powerful message, "you're not alone, brother," reminds us that no matter our background, we all face similar struggles mentally, physically, and spiritually. Taz reflects on the transformative power of heritage, resilience, and the collective journey towards inner peace and environmental stewardship.

    Kohutapu Lodge info:

    Enjoy a guided walking tour in one of the world's last remaining Jurassic Podocarp Native Rainforests or experience a historical cultural tour of the land. Learn traditional Māori activities - weaving, haka lessons, night time eel fishing and more. Or perhaps you might just want to gaze at the lake, and relax.



    More info:


    Follow us:

    IG: @theheroinesjourneyproject

    TikTok: @theheroinesjourney

    Special thanks to Hotel Belmar for supporting this and many other special projects. Follow them on IG: @hotelbelmar

    This episode is also made possible thanks to the support of Kate Linens. For more information, visit https://katelinens.com/

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    52 min
  • 🇪🇸 Ep 7: Sabiduría de la Vida con Guadalupe Urbina
    Aug 23 2024

    Descubrí la sabiduría de la vida con Guadalupe Urbina, cantante, compositora e investigadora costarricense, conocida por su arte y conexión con la tradición oral de Mesoamérica.

    En este episodio, nos comparte su visión de la vida como un circo, una cuerda floja en constante movimiento, instándonos a cuestionar el orden establecido; ser libres y abrazar la simplicidad y la belleza que nos muestra la naturaleza. Con su poesía, nos inspira a despertar nuestra creatividad en cualquier etapa de la vida y a abrazar causas significativas.

    Acompáñanos en este viaje de sanación y autenticidad con Guadalupe Urbina.

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    Seguinos en:

    IG: @theheroinesjourneyproject

    TikTok: @theheroinesjourney

    Este episodio tiene música original de Guadalupe Urbina

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    1 h et 3 min
  • 🇺🇸 Ep 6: A Palestinian Woman's Journey Through Conflict and Healing with Eva Dalak
    Aug 9 2024

    In this episode we explore the life of Eva Dalak, a Palestinian Muslim woman who grew up in Jewish Israel, attended a Christian school and ended up in Costa Rica- the country without an army. Eva's life has been profoundly marked by war. As a young person, she learned to survive by disconnecting from her emotions and fighting for her rights. She shares how her father's poignant question, "How is your soul?" helped her confront internal struggles like fear, shame and anger. Later, a surprising diagnosis that left her blind during the pandemic, led her to discover the power of community; the importance of embracing a new identity; and the healing potential of allowing oneself to receive love.

    Her story is a testament to the transformative potential of crisis: the emergence of a new self as a result of life's trials is possible. Tune in to hear how Eva made "honey from her darkness" by shaping her work in conflict resolution and inviting people on both sides of the conflict to look inward in order to truly achieve peace.

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    1 h et 14 min