From the Capitoline Museum in Rome to the Museum of Ennigaldi-Nanna (a princess of Babylon) and the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, this episode of Big Blend Radio's WORLD OF ART Podcast with artist Victoria Chick is Part One of her three-part series on the history of Art Museums. This global themed show celebrates International Friendship Month and National Library Month since museums are also home to libraries!
Victoria is the catalyst behind the Southwest Regional Museum of Art & Art Center project in Silver City, New Mexico. You can learn more about the Museum effort and read her article about the History of Art Museums (Part One), here:
Victoria Chick is a contemporary figurative artist and early 19th/20th century print collector based in Silver City, New Mexico. Visit:
Victoria appears on Big Blend Radio every 3rd Saturday. Follow the podcast:
This episode is also featured on Big Blend Radio's "Way Back When," "Toast to The Arts," "Women Making History," and "Big Daily Blend" Podcast Channels. Check out our network of shows: