
  • Lessons from interning with a billionaire
    Jul 9 2024

    Explore Jim Manning's journey through insightful conversations on finding purpose and fulfillment beyond financial success. Discover how Jim navigates the world of real estate investments, emphasizing passive income strategies that liberate time and create financial freedom. His reflections on motivation delve into shifting from fear-driven actions to purpose-driven endeavors, drawing parallels to iconic moments like Indiana Jones evading the boulder in 'Temple of Doom'.

    Throughout the discussion, Jim emphasizes the importance of measuring success not just by financial gains, but by the impact on personal relationships and community. His perspective offers a refreshing take on entrepreneurship, urging listeners to align their endeavors with a deeper sense of purpose for lasting satisfaction and joy.

    Highlights of the Podcast

    00:08 - Introduction and Background

    01:38 - Early Influences and Perspective Shift

    04:12 - Career Growth and Challenges

    06:09 - Emotional and Spiritual Growth

    14:28 - Transition to Impactful Investments

    17:46 - Finding Contentment

    19:07 - Faith and Intuition

    20:38 - Perseverance and Purpose

    22:30 - Learning from Adversity

    25:19 - Differentiating Happiness and Joy

    26:45 - The Stockdale Paradox

    28:49 - Gratitude and Spiritual Growth

    32:29 - Energy Source and Motivation

    34:12 - Purpose and Motivation

    35:15 - Measuring Success by Sacrifices

    36:22 - Inspiration from Family

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • How a Single Phrase Created Almost $2B in Value
    Jul 3 2024

    John Hewitt shares his unique journey and profound insights into entrepreneurship. Reflecting on his early aspirations of becoming a first baseman for the New York Yankees and his childhood admiration for Mickey Mantle, Hewitt recounts how he transitioned from playing baseball to building billion-dollar businesses. Emphasizing the importance of focusing on one's strengths and acknowledging weaknesses, Hewitt reveals his hiring strategy of seeking individuals who complement his skills. He highlights the necessity of continuous improvement, adaptability, and embracing criticism to develop the best systems in any industry. Hewitt's philosophy of doing only what one loves and excels at resonates throughout his narrative, showcasing the power of passion and perseverance in achieving remarkable success.

    In a thoughtful conversation about identifying strengths and weaknesses, the challenges of entrepreneurship, and the critical role of risk tolerance, Hewitt underscores the reality that not everyone is suited for entrepreneurial endeavors. He emphasizes the need for a strong work ethic, strategic thinking, and the ability to overcome adversity. The discussion delves into the mindset required to succeed, including the willingness to take calculated risks and the relentless pursuit of goals. Hewitt's advice to find something one loves, work hard, and persevere serves as an inspiring guide for anyone aspiring to make a significant impact in their personal and professional lives.

    Highlights of the Podcast

    00:08 - Introduction by Paul Graham

    01:16 - John Hewitt’s initial greeting and story about Dunkin' Donuts

    02:19 - Discussing reactions to his positive responses

    03:25 - Experiences with negative reactions and maintaining positivity

    04:28 - Importance of company culture and having the right attitude

    06:50 - Influencing others with a positive mindset

    09:15 - Practicing gratitude and maintaining a great culture

    11:20 - Strategies for getting out of day-to-day monotony

    13:14 - Setting and achieving audacious goals

    16:53 - The planning process and team collaboration

    18:36 - Role of a CEO in guiding discussions and decisions

    19:58 - Maintaining a mindset of confidence and capability

    21:09 - John Hewitt's Aspirations and Realizations

    23:32 - Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

    25:20 - Embracing Criticism and Continuous Improvement

    28:36 - Maximizing Personal Productivity

    29:56 - Entrepreneurial Origins and Risk-Taking

    32:19 - Navigating Business and Personal Growth

    35:00 - Characteristics of Entrepreneurs

    37:47 - Overcoming Adversity

    41:44 - Finding and Pursuing Passion

    42:57 - Final Advice for Entrepreneurs and Investors

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min
  • Market value fuels the ego, income fuels the yacht
    Jun 27 2024

    Steve Selengut is a 40+ year professional investment manager/advisor/RIA/IAR whose current adventure is coaching both individuals and other advisors in creating income independence for themselves and their clients. I’m also promoting my 2nd book, Retirement Money Secrets. He was a private investment manager for 44 years, personally managing around 325 individual portfolios in the USA and abroad. One of very few investment book authors who have directly managed other people's money.

    Highlights of the Podcast

    01:01 - Steve's Early Investment Journey

    02:32 - Investing Strategies and Market Insights

    06:01 - Transition to Professional Investment

    07:53 - Investment Philosophy and Risk Management

    10:00 - Celebrating Success and Lifestyle Choices

    14:47 - Creating a Sustainable Lifestyle

    16:56 - Helping Others and Leaving a Legacy

    19:49 - Finding Joy in Everyday Activities

    22:02 - Understanding Working Capital vs. Market Value

    25:12 - Approach to Investing

    29:51 - Investment Strategy and Risk Management

    34:39 - Handling Market Volatility

    40:02 - Investment Philosophy

    Voir plus Voir moins
    43 min
  • Are You on The Unstoppable Path? Building a Legendary Life with Remarkable People
    Jun 25 2024

    Mark Gustafson is a former commercial lending executive with extensive experience in management, finance, sales, and marketing. He served as Senior Vice President and Regional Sales Manager at Wells Fargo Capital Finance for nearly 30 years, where he managed asset-based loan originations. Post-retirement, he co-founded Colorado Aerial Imaging and Exxedus Capital Partners, focusing on high-resolution imaging services and capital restructuring, respectively. Now officially retired, Mark enjoys spending time with his wife, three daughters, and grandchildren in Aurora, Colorado.

    Highlights of the Podcast

    01:07 - Personal Connection

    02:54 - Career Stability vs. Frequent Changes

    04:56 - Career Progression

    06:37 - Hiring Perspective on Job Hoppers

    08:45 - Interviewing and Assessing Candidates

    10:05 - Developing and Assessing Character

    12:16 - Influence of Ethical Environment

    13:34 - Supporting Team Members' Career Goals

    14:19 - Future Plans

    15:02 - Career Approach and Perspectives

    17:37 - Financial Philosophy

    18:40 - Career Path and Opportunities

    23:01 - Advice for Job Seekers

    25:26 - Questions and Reflection

    28:22 - Quotes and Wisdom

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • Journey to Freedom: Sustaining Income While Traveling the World
    Jun 20 2024

    Matt Amabile retired at 25 years old by investing in real estate. He went from sleeping on a couch to owning 22 doors within 2 years which throw off $7k/month passive. After quitting his corporate job in 2023, Matt traveled the world for 6 months, started a 5 day a week podcast, a mentorship and still focuses on growing his portfolio. Matt has gotten into the majority of his portfolio with no money out of pocket.

    Highlights of the Podcast

    00:07 - Introduction and Travel Influence

    02:24 - Matt's Travel Experiences

    03:24 - Perspective on Stress and Mindset

    04:13 - Journey to Self-Discovery

    07:47 - Financial Freedom and Quitting Job

    09:54 - Approach to Partnerships

    11:20 - Mindset Shifts in Real Estate

    15:21 - Emotional Growth and Self-Worth

    18:19 - Handling Criticism and Self-Love

    21:07 - Mindfulness and Self-Transformation

    23:06 - Purposeful Travel

    25:09 - Traveling with Intention vs. Aimlessness

    28:09 - Grounding Practices

    31:31 - Delegation and Business Management

    35:03 - Podcasting and Personal Growth

    36:54 - Final Thoughts on Joy and Living in the Moment

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • Replacing your current income
    Jun 18 2024

    Dave has replaced his engineering income 3 times in the last 5 years. Only one of those times was on purpose.

    Dave was an automotive engineer, always anxious about investing in real estate. He had several properties under contract but never closed.

    Finally bought his first property at the age of 53. Replaced his engineering income in 11 months. He replaced it again when he was interviewed on some podcasts, and clients reached out to him to help them pick the best properties. He replaced her a third time after he hired an amazing virtual assistant to crunch numbers on the properties, told his friends about her, and a virtual assistant placement company was born.

    Highlights of the Podcast

    01:16 - Success is within monetary consumption

    04:21 - Engineering income in 11 months

    10:41 - The Smokies for for sure for short term rentals

    19:53 - The impact daily to the people

    24:35 - To make your vision board

    27:42 - The stadium and some of the obstacles

    29:25 - The Rocky Mountains

    36:14 - The fact that we have it within ourselves

    38:09 - Having quiet time for yourself

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • Your Bucket List Drives Your Joy
    Jun 13 2024

    Randy Smith is the Founder of Impact Equity which was formed to help investors achieve strong results in their passive real estate investing strategies. Randy and Impact Equity have helped more than 100+ investors place over $7.3MM+ across three operators and 15 different opportunities since launching in June of 2022.

    Randy started his real estate investing career doing out of state, single-family, long term rentals, and he quickly realized the many additional benefits he could receive by switching his strategy to passively investing in multifamily syndications. Randy has now invested in 25 different passive investments with 11 different operators which gives him the unique knowledge and expertise to recognize a strong passive opportunity.

    Randy currently resides in Peoria, Arizona with his wife Jenny, and he spent 25 years working in various business development and leadership roles in Corporate America.

    Connect with Randy https://impact-equity.smartmarketingbiz.com/portfolio/

    Resources: Raising Capital for Real Estate: How to Attract Investors, Establish Credibility, and Fund Deals https://amzn.to/3KAfpUz

    Have feedback? -https://forms.gle/MAKSbeBtGBFA2Cqu8


    Connect with me here - https://anotherpaulgraham.substack.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • Live Your Ideal Life Today
    Jun 11 2024

    Harvey is an activator of the innate and unique brilliance of others through thoughtful empowerment and relentless encouragement. He is a gifted and experienced team leader, husband of 15 years, father to two girls and one boy, a former Division 1 baseball player, former Chief of Logistics for the United States Army Corps of Engineers and seasoned real estate investor. Today, he helps business owners get what they want from their businesses.

    Connect with Harvey: https://www.eosworldwide.com/harvey-yergin


    The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results https://amzn.to/3RjCcaI

    Vivid Vision: A Remarkable Tool For Aligning Your Business Around a Shared Vision of the Future https://amzn.to/3VAeOZ6

    Have feedback? -https://forms.gle/MAKSbeBtGBFA2Cqu8

    Connect with me here - https://anotherpaulgraham.substack.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min