When there is a situation in your community, there are people who resolve these issues. There are organizations in your area that can resolve any problem. For example, the school system, unemployment, and citizens' rights, community organizers can resolve issues.
Most organizations will have a person who is a community organizer, and the organizer is responsible for finding a solution to any problem. A community organizer is defined as an individual who networks with and mobilizes the community to support a cause, develop programs, and initiate any other positive social impact. This community organizer has knowledge and education on the different subjects individuals need.
There are some unique people you may come across in life that can benefit you. These individuals have skills in different professions they offer and others which you can learn from. This person is a mentor who can change your perspective in life. A mentor is defined as an individual who acts as an adviser or coach for a less experienced person in a field and provides expertise and professional knowledge from a more experienced perspective.
There are mentors in all subjects in education that you can choose from. The person or the group will be surprised by what knowledge they will gain from a mentor. Some people are looking for direction in a specific career or a coach to guide them along the way.
In this episode, I will be interviewing Lynda Woolard, a community organizer as well as a mentor who transformed many lives.
The topic is The Journey Of A Community Organizer Who Became A Mentor Named Lynda Woolard.
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CBF (closing remarks) One last thing, Remember to support local businesses and providing knowledge for others is your path to legacy.
CBF: (Consulting Between Friends)
Thanks to everyone for making this possible.
The host: Michael Holmes Jr.
The producer and content creator: Michael Holmes Jr.
The artwork cover: Michael Holmes Jr.
Original music: ADJNAMEDSLASH/
Special Guest: Lynda Woolard Community Organizer and Mentor
Social Media:
X (formerly Twitter: https://twitter.com/lyndawoolard
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lyndawoolard
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lynda.woolard
Podcast name: Louisiana Lefty
Website: https://louisianalefty.rocks/
Email: info@louisianalefty.rocks
MSNBC News Article: https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/jeff-landry-wins-louisiana-governor-rcna120727
Content Distributor: Myproducer Podcasts https://myproducer.biz/