
  • Episode 9 Buffett Part 2
    Oct 29 2020

    This is a little Buffett nugget that I wanted to share, and it is two fold. Have you ever taken the time to go to Berkshire Hathaways website and read the annual reports that Buffett writes. They are magical, I recommend taking a look, they are truly a letter written by him to his shareholders and they are nothing like you will ever read.

    Second, there is a book just about his correspondence that offers a unique look into the man. The book is called

    Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything by Carol Loomis

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    6 min
  • Episode 8 intrinsic value
    Oct 22 2020

    Confusion was all around me trying to understand ok how do I determine what the value of a company is. The math, the math, use this formula a professor would say.

    But is that the only way to look at a company? No, there is no one way.

    You do not look at a piece of art in the same way that someone else does? Investing is the same thing, ignoring some aspects of the business would be wrong.

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    9 min
  • Episode 7 Buffett Part 1
    Oct 11 2020
    A person that has influenced me on my journey is Warren Buffett. This is part 1 of why. I will come back and explain more later but this is how I discovered his teachings.
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    7 min
  • Episode 6 Invested by Danielle Towns
    Sep 30 2020

    A book recommendation that I have read over the summer and the podcast that she has with her father is Invested by Danielle Towns. It is a must read if you are looking to expand your knowledge or just beginning your journey.

    Much of how I evaluate stocks and my current knowledge came from this book.

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    6 min
  • Episode 5 Morning Brew
    Sep 24 2020

    These next couple episodes are going to center on tools, or content that I use on my journey. I hope that you find them impactful and useful for your journey.

    The Morning Brew is an email newsletter that I read everyday. The content is fresh and the information is insightful.


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    7 min
  • Finding Value Episode 4
    Sep 17 2020

    So a few weeks ago I got an internship at a local financial planning firm.

    The thesis I got from my new boss was to "find a way to bring value". I love this approach and I wanted to share that into the universe to all of you.

    Where can you find your value, and how will you bring value into what you are doing right now?

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    8 min
  • Episode 3 Cutting Through The Noise
    Sep 9 2020

    What is the noise?

    The noise is everyone saying they have a way for you to get rich, but wait is that not why we are here?

    No, money is not a purpose, what is your purpose?

    The noise would tell you that money is everything and is the only reason. But I am here to tell you that you need to push through the noise.

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    6 min
  • Episode 2 Fear
    Aug 31 2020

    Finance is an area that brings about fear, and confusion. So many people do not start, that was something that affected me till I broke that cycle. Fear is a compass, if it scares you learn why it scares you and go toward it.

    This episode is about the beginning and what stopped me from starting.

    No one can tell you, you have to start on your own, but hopefully this inspires you to ask the questions of yourself, and learn.

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    9 min