
  • COMING SOON - The Just Friends Podcast
    Feb 8 2021
    Can a guy and a girl be ‘just friends’?. Marty and Callyann have been just friends for years and have proven that it can be done. If you fancy light hearted chats on various topics between a guy and a girl, then ‘Just Friends’ is the podcast for you.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 min
  • Episode 1 - Can A Guy And A Girl Be Just Friends?
    Mar 18 2021
    Marty and Cally have been 'just friends' for years and in this episode, they discuss why they have been 'just friends' and why it definitely isn't impossible for a guy and a girl to be 'just friends'.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    50 min
  • Episode 2 - Dating Apps
    Mar 25 2021
    Cally dares Marty to download Bumble and Tinder and let the girl make the first move. How will he get on?
    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Episode 3 - Liking Instagram Photos While In A Relationship
    Apr 1 2021
    This week Cally and Marty discuss whether or not it’s ok to like others photos , while being in a relationship. It tends to pop up as an issue within modern day relationships so they question if whether or not it is a legit reason to be annoyed at your other half.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min
  • Episode 4 - The Ideal First Date
    Apr 8 2021
    Cally And Marty dive into the the uncertain world of what exactly makes a good first date while covering the do's and the dont's.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    50 min
  • Episode 5 - Playing Games
    Apr 14 2021
    Cally and Marty chat about 'playing games' with someone after you have been on a first date. `When is it ok to message them? Should you wait a certain amount of time before messaging them back? These are just some of the points brought up.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Episode 6 - Becoming 'Official'
    Apr 30 2021
    At what point does seeing someone become seeing nobody else? When can you introduce them to your friends and family? Cally & Marty discuss on this weeks epsiode.
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    32 min
  • Episode 7 - With Guest Gordon Forbes
    May 14 2021
    Cally and Marty chat to actor and Tiktok sensation Gordon Forbes about all the previous topics covered on the show to get his opinion.
    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min