
  • The KJ Show #122 - More Unintended Consequences of Energy Policies
    Mar 7 2025
    Reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions has been a central focus of energy regulation for the past three decades. But this myopic focus overlooks the unintended consequences that arise from rapidly transitioning long-established energy systems.

    On today's show, host Dr. Katherine Johnson will discuss the challenges of creating energy policies that fully recognize the cost and constraints of decarbonization plans. Join the KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/) to find out how Trump's energy policies may affect Americans. Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com.

    Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.

    Hashtags:#energypolicy; #unintendedconsequences; #EVs; #Greenland; #CO2; #Daylightsavingstime; #environmentalimpacts; #icefishing; #climatechange;#solarpanels; #goldenretrievers; #GoldenCO
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    58 min
  • The KJ Show #121: Hydrogen's Boom Goes Bust
    Mar 1 2025
    This week's show focuses on hydrogen and its viability in a clean energy world. I attended an energy conference last week that focused on the promise that hydrogen offers, but didn't really talk about the very real challenges associated with this volatile energy source.

    On today's show, host Dr. Katherine Johnson will discuss how the hydrogen boom has turned out to be more of boondoggle as this energy source is not yet cost-effective. Join the KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/) to find out how Trump's energy policies may affect Americans. Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com.

    Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
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    43 min
  • The KJ Show #120: Presidential Energy Policies and Politics
    Feb 21 2025
    Energy has always been a political issue. The energy sector represents one-sixth of our economy, and our modern life depends upon reliable and secure energy resources. But in recent years, energy has also become a flashpoint for discussion of wider issues, including climate change and reducing carbon emissions.

    President Trump is focused on curbing the amount of governmental regulation regarding energy policies and shifting instead towards energy independence. But how will these new policies affect our energy future?

    On today's show, host Dr. Katherine Johnson will discuss the evolution of energy policies, and how politics have shaped the development of these policies. Join the KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/) to find out how Trump's energy policies may affect Americans. Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com.

    Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
    #presidentialelection; #EPA; #DOE; #EnergyPolicies; #JimmyCarter; #energyeffciencystandards; #energyefficiency; #Trump; #energyprices; #eeappliances; #EnergyStar; #voluntarystandards;
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    56 min
  • The KJ Show #119: Moving the Goal Posts: Measuring Climate Change
    Feb 13 2025
    As an evaluator, I spent my career estimating energy savings from energy-efficiency programs. We always start with a baseline and then measure the results compared to that baseline.

    However, climate change scientists have never agreed on a baseline for measuring increasing temperatures. In fact, scientists won't know how much the planet warmed until they measure temperatures for 20 years. So, if there is no objective standard to measure climate change, how will we know if the planet's temperature increased?

    This is just one example of the changing goalposts in the energy community. On today's show, host Dr. Katherine Johnson will discuss these and several others that undervalue nuclear power while over-valuing renewable projects.

    Join the KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com.

    Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.

    #climatechange; #cleanenergy; #metrics; #ParisAccord; #beavers; #reneweableenergy; #nuclearenergy; #solar; #UN; #CresentDunes; #decarbonization
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    55 min
  • The KJ Show #118: Nuclear Energy is Here to Stay
    Feb 13 2025
    Nuclear energy is not just making a comeback—it has become a cornerstone of energy plans in the United States and Europe. In Spain, nuclear power protesters are now replaced by supporters, and Sweden just opened its first nuclear power plant in 40 years.

    The United States government is also expanding its plans for a nuclear energy future and approving new nuclear plants in various configurations in multiple states.

    On today’s show, host Dr. Katherine Johnson will discuss the re-emergence of this energy source and its impact on the energy industry. Join the KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com.

    Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
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    56 min
  • The KJ Show #117: Increasing Head Winds for Wind Power
    Feb 13 2025
    Wind power has been heralded as a clean, renewable energy solution. But recently, wind power developers have been facing strong headwinds due to rising costs of offshore investments and millions of dollars in lost investments.

    On today's show, Dr. Johnson will discuss the challenges wind power is facing. Poor economic conditions and an increasing number of "solar and wind droughts" are contributing to the reduced interest in wind power. Add in the environmental damage caused by wind turbines, and it is apparent that wind power is neither clean nor green.

    Join the KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com.

    Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.

    #windpower; #windturbines; #offshorewind; #birds; #sealife; #Greenland; #ice; #turbineblades; #whales
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    56 min
  • The KJ Show #116 - Climate-Friendly” Cows and Sheep Coming to a Farm Near You
    Jan 23 2025
    The concerns about flatulent cows and sheep have taken a dramatic turn: taxing cow burps and breeding “climate-friendly” sheep and cows. On today’s show, Dr. Katherine Johnson will discuss the newest climate tax on sheep and cows in Denmark. She will also discuss some breakthroughs in breeding that have led to low-methane cows and sheep. Has the war on red meat really been won? Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com. Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
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    56 min
  • The KJ Show #115 - Climate Justice-A Bold New World
    Jan 15 2025
    A new type of criminal litigation has begun --climate lawsuits. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prosecuted its first environmental crime when it went after an individual who illegally smuggled Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) from Mexico to California. Similar prosecutions have also occurred in other attempts to evade local pollution laws. These cases are admirable and demonstrate the importance of protecting the environment. But climate cases have evolved far beyond pollution concerns. In a disturbing new trend, corporations are now suing and winning huge settlements when the government blocks exploration and mining of rare earth minerals. Furthermore, the winners of these lawsuits are not the local citizens, but large corporations that receive massive government settlements. Is this the brave new world of “climate justice” when the victims end up paying the bill? Join The KJ Show at 11 a.m. Eastern Wednesday (https://boldbravetv.com/11am-the-kj-show/). Share your thoughts by calling 866-451-1451 or sending your comments to kjohnson@johnsonconsults.com. Please sign up for Dr. KJ's Energy Rx, a free weekly newsletter exploring these energy topics in depth.
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    54 min