
    Dec 18 2021

    Eddie Lee who is a writer, spiritual leader, and fellow lighthouse brings to us; US! Sharing his story and insights as he delivers with us a message that you will find oddly familiar as you soak in the esoteric truth being spoken in this high vibrational conversation. Discover what lies within, you are who you're seeking at every turn. Walk as god, give god the gift of walking as you. WINNING!!

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    1 h et 16 min
  • Part 1, JC's Letters
    Dec 13 2021

    Find out what you have always known to be true about Christian dogma, and how it was all designed to stop you from seeing how powerful you truly are. How it is you that hold the key to all your lifes experiences. I LOVE YOU!!

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    32 min
  • Peace?!?
    Dec 5 2021

    What is the will of God? How is this even measured? Where do you start to invoke peace? Why is it we still are unable to obtain CHRIST LIKE CONCIOUSNESS?

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    30 min
  • Love
    Nov 25 2021

    What it looks like to love someone. A way to help us understand the real reason its so scarce and how we can begin to seek understanding of it's true nature in effort to embody the power of love and its transformative effects on all that is impacted by its truth.

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    17 min
  • The Parent Role
    Nov 20 2021

    Perspectives on parenting and suggestions that allow room for us to being to foster love, authenticity, and spiritual connections in the delicate dynamics of the relationship shared with our children. Gaining insightful awareness of not only how we can be better parents, but also facilitate expansion and empowerment in these tiny people whom one day will be left to carry on the vibration to world around us and the generations to come.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    57 min
  • Manifestion Challenge
    Nov 17 2021

    Searching for ways to assist ourselves in our pursuit for fulfillment all changes, once you understand who and what you are. Once you become open to the realities of your true nature. Here we overlook techniques that can be utilized to accept the DARE life implies for you to discover your own power and role in the materialization of the reality you experience. That in fact challenging yourself to take the initiative to test these ideas, could stand to alter all that you previously held as within your reach.

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    29 min
    Nov 15 2021
    50 min
  • Inmates and JC
    Nov 14 2021
    1 h