
  • Chaos Reigns
    Nov 30 2024

    We dare you to listen (and watch on YouTube) the entire show! As usual, you will find the joy and the laughter...but you will also find pussy cats and dogs interrupting, telephones ringing and many other distractions along the way! We do our best to keep it together as we chat about the Christmas season, companionship and dating sites, our love hate relationship with Pilates and many other random facts that come up! We hope you enjoy!

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    43 min
  • The Mother Wound…Yea, we said it!!!
    Nov 14 2024

    Grab a cup of your favourite beverage, find a cozy spot and settle in...today after our regular shenanigans, shoutouts, and laughs, we go DEEP... Kathie shares how she has been pushing her out of her comfort zone, Kim shares recent triggers about her her mother bringing a monster into the family and now that her mother has passed, there is more freedom to truly be vulnerable in the pain and what that little girl needed but never got. Kathie & Kim both share how it is hard to take outside advice, and what happens between us as friends when advice is being given, and how our friendship is just what we both need. We'd love to hear from you!

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    51 min
  • On the road
    Oct 28 2024

    We are on day 3 of a 6 day trip…and we are recording from our hotel room…actually our hotel bed…LOL!!

    This is a short but rather silly recap of the past three days at a resort with 12 strangers, white robes, sound baths and spa treatments! Hope you enjoy!!!

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    18 min
  • What is the Undercurrent
    Oct 11 2024

    As predicted todays show is full laughter, tears, and "ah ha's" as our random thoughts take us down a pathway where we try to discover the "undercurrent" of why we truly do have a hard time putting ourselves first, making commitments and changing traditions within the family. We also talk about the power of our pets and how they reflect who we are. As usual we love your feedback, don't forget to subscribe, like and share with all your friend

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    49 min
  • Finding Our Groove…
    Sep 28 2024

    As usual during Your Friendship Hour, we are all over the place...be sure to listen/watch all the way through as we weave our way through multiple conversations, drop some pretty epic nuggets and of course have some pretty funny moments, share the struggle of finding our groove and the plans we have for the winter to try to stay out of the winter blues!!! We also want to start a Women's Wild Wednesday Walking group!! lf you are local to us, please reach out on Instagram @thekimandkathshow.

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    50 min
  • Highlights and Lowlights of the Summer of '24
    Sep 3 2024

    Finally!!! After months away from podcasting, we are back!!! We took some time off over the summer (not of our friendship...LOL) but time to be present for what the summer had in store...and boy oh boy, summer did not disappoint...but as always, there were some ups and downs for both of us. From the unexpected death of Kim's mother to Kathie's new athletic endeavours, we take you on a quick little (ok, not so quick) journey through our summer and a sneak peak to some Fall fun!!!

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    43 min
  • Its more than hot flashes and heavy periods…with menopause expert Dr. Jenn Salib Huber
    Jul 5 2024

    Today we are joined by special guest...Jenn Salib Huber! She is a Canadian Registered Dietitian, Naturopathic Doctor, and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and she's on a mission to help women manage menopause without diets and food rules. She helps women navigate the physical and emotional changes that happen in perimenopause and menopause, including their search for food freedom and body confidence. Working from a health at every size approach, she teaches women to become intuitive eaters and build body confidence at any stage of midlife. In addition to her 1:1 and small group programs, she's the host of 'The Midlife Feast' podcast and community that helps women "undiet" their lives after 40 so they can nourish a relationship with food that helps them discover the magic of midlife! You do not want to miss this episode, regardless of your age! We cover what we wish we knew sooner, some of the science behind estrogen and its role in the body (its not just for periods and hot flashes), how diet culture sets us up for more than just "yo yo" dieting, the importance of muscle mass for aging, HRT and its role in managing symptoms and so much more. Thank you Jenn, for sharing with us and our audience! You can connect with her https://www.menopausenutritionist.ca/themidlifefeastcommunity

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    1 h
  • Authors "in the house"!!!
    Jun 26 2024

    We celebrate as Kathie's book, The Hardest, not the Worst Year has officially launched and become a bestseller in many categories!! We dive deep into her experience and process during an extremely vulnerable time in her life. Kim shares some impactful moments from her read of the book, tears are shed, as are bursts of laughter, ADD moments, and how being bored is a challenge and a skill we are all trying to perfect!

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    46 min