
  • Managing Growth in a Family Business
    Jun 29 2024

    In this episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, host Jim Schleckser welcomes Mark Cabrera, the CEO of Saddle Creek Logistics. Mark has been with Saddle Creek for over 20 years, starting as CFO and taking over as CEO a few years ago. He shares insights into managing a family business, the logistics industry's challenges, and the importance of innovation.

    Mark explains Saddle Creek’s operations, which span 33 million square feet across the US, employing about 6,000 associates and operating a fleet of 500 trucks. The conversation highlights the dynamic nature of the logistics industry, including labor shortages and the need for innovation driven by escalating labor costs and demographic changes.

    The discussion also delves into Saddle Creek's approach to employee development and succession planning, emphasizing the importance of internal promotions and training programs. Mark credits the company's strong culture to its founder's values and the intentional efforts to maintain these through storytelling and leadership behaviors.

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    35 min
  • Climbing to New Heights
    Jun 22 2024

    In this episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, the host welcomes Louise McEvoy, VP of US Channel Sales at Trend Micro, to discuss the growth of channel ecosystems and her experience as an Everest summiteer. McEvoy elaborates on Trend Micro’s mission to secure endpoints, data services, and cloud data for businesses of all sizes. Highlighting the relentless nature of cyber threats, she discusses the importance of AI in enhancing security measures and the significant processing power required to stay ahead of cybercriminals. She also addresses the complexities of ransomware and the dark web, shedding light on the extensive underground networks involved in cybercrime and the necessity for businesses to maintain vigilant and comprehensive security practices.

    McEvoy also shares insights into Trend Micro's channel sales strategy, emphasizing the importance of partnering with specialized firms to extend their sales reach and expertise. She explains that while Trend Micro could employ a large direct sales team, leveraging channel partners allows the company to focus its resources on core activities such as threat intelligence and zero-day research. Furthermore, McEvoy advises both businesses and individuals to be cautious about sharing personal information, pushing back against unnecessary data collection, and ensuring robust cybersecurity measures are in place to protect sensitive data.

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    39 min
  • Establishing Trust In a Selling Relationship
    Jun 8 2024

    In this episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, host Jim Schleckser delves into the prevalent issue executives, CEOs, and entrepreneurs face in generating sufficient revenue and establishing trust with clients. He is joined by Todd Duncan, a multiple-time New York Times bestselling author and renowned sales leader, who shares his expertise on these topics. Duncan emphasizes the paramount importance of trust in the sales process, highlighting that tension and suspicion can severely hinder successful business relationships. He advocates for a referral-based approach to business, which eliminates call reluctance and fosters excitement, allowing salespeople to focus on nurturing relationships rather than merely closing deals.

    Duncan underscores the need for effective communication, advising sales professionals to talk less about themselves and their companies and more about addressing the client's needs. His research indicates that concise sales pitches can significantly boost conversion rates. Furthermore, he introduces the concept of emotional economics, where building an emotional connection with clients can lead to substantial increases in sales and gross margins. The principle of reciprocity, where providing value to clients encourages them to reciprocate with business, is also discussed.

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    37 min
  • How to Grow Your Revenue Rapidly
    Jun 1 2024

    In this episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, host Jim Schleckser introduces Simone Severino, the founder and CEO of Strategy Sprints, to discuss revenue growth strategies. Jim highlights that revenue is a common constraint for many CEOs, with about 60% citing it as their primary challenge. Simone, joining from Austria, claims his techniques can double a company's revenue in 90 days.

    Simone emphasizes the importance of addressing evergreen bottlenecks, particularly pricing power, to achieve significant revenue growth. He explains that by improving positioning and messaging, businesses can increase their pricing power by 25% without losing clients. Simone's approach is particularly suited for businesses involved in transformation, such as coaches, marketing agencies, and design firms, which offer high-ticket services.

    Simone outlines his strategy, beginning with increasing pricing power by refining the value proposition and understanding the client's needs and outcomes. He suggests that for existing clients, companies can keep prices the same but deliver more value or seek referrals. For new clients, prices can be raised, focusing on building a strong sales pipeline.

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    35 min
  • The Power of Recurring Revenue and How to Grow Yours
    May 25 2024

    Welcome to another episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, hosted by Jim Schleckser, founder of the CEO Project. In this episode, Jim delves into one of his favorite topics: recurring revenue. He emphasizes that a high degree of recurring revenue is a hallmark of a great business, allowing for better sleep, planning, and overall business stability.

    Jim defines recurring revenue as contractually obliged revenue over time, distinguishing it from repeat revenue, which lacks contractual commitment. Examples of recurring revenue include cable bills, phone bills, utility bills, and software subscriptions like Salesforce and HubSpot. These services often involve contracts that are hard to exit, ensuring continuous revenue. Recurring revenue provides predictable income, making budgeting and planning easier. Businesses with recurring revenue find it easier to grow as they can rely on a steady income stream and need less aggressive sales and marketing efforts compared to project-based businesses.

    The concept of Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is crucial here; companies are willing to invest significantly in acquiring customers, knowing they will generate long-term revenue. Recurring revenue models attract investors due to their stability and predictability, unlike project-based models which require constant new sales. Businesses with high recurring revenue often achieve higher valuations, sometimes trading at multiples of revenue rather than profit.

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    35 min
  • Building Charity into Your Business
    May 18 2024

    In this episode of "The Lazy CEO Podcast," host Jim Schleckser discusses the integration of purpose into businesses. Jim shares his perspective that businesses shouldn't abandon their platforms once they've established success but should instead use them to make positive contributions. He references his midlife insights from the book "Halftime," which suggests a shift from success to significance in life's second half, a concept Jim feels could be initiated much earlier in a business lifecycle.

    Jim introduces Jeff Maine – CEO of Pay Proudly, a payment processing company that not only focuses on providing clarity in transactions but also embeds charitable giving into its business model. Jeff shares his journey of integrating purpose into his business from the onset, influenced by personal experiences and a desire to give back to the community. He explains how his company asks clients about causes important to them and aligns their charitable efforts accordingly, which has become a significant aspect of their business identity.

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    29 min
  • The Lazy CEO Podcast - Discover the Power of Delegation
    May 11 2024

    In this episode of "The Lazy CEO Podcast," host Jim Schleckser delves into the critical topic of delegation within the context of executive leadership. He emphasizes the importance of mastering the basics to excel in any field, comparing it to essential skills in sports like soccer. Jim’s main focus is on how CEOs can effectively delegate tasks to manage their time efficiently and avoid overworking, aligning with the podcast's theme of promoting a 'lazy,' yet highly effective CEO lifestyle.

    Jim introduces the concept of the "not do list," a strategic tool that helps prioritize tasks based on their economic impact on the business. He explains how this list is used to identify tasks that should not consume a CEO's time, advocating for the delegation of these lower-priority items. He outlines a method to handle such tasks by deferring them, deleting them from the list, or delegating them to others. This approach not only frees up the CEO's time but also empowers other team members.

    He further discusses the "70% rule" for delegation, suggesting that if someone can do a task at least 70% as well as the CEO, it should be delegated. This rule aims to overcome the common hesitation among leaders to delegate due to high personal standards and self-reliance. By setting this threshold, CEOs can feel more comfortable passing responsibilities to others without feeling the need for tasks to be performed perfectly.

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    28 min
  • Take Your Brand to New Heights with Strategic Marketing
    May 4 2024

    In this episode of "The Lazy CEO Podcast," host Jim Schleckser interviews Nancie Ruder, an accomplished marketing strategist with over 25 years of experience working with major brands like Georgetown University, Nike, and Samsung. Nancie shares insights on the complexities of marketing, explaining it as both an art and a science that requires deep understanding and strategic implementation.

    Nancie discusses her background, including starting her career in a large ad agency, and her move to establish her own consultancy focused on internal brand development rather than external communications. She emphasizes the importance of internal clarity and authenticity in branding, highlighting that a brand must deliver on its promises and maintain logical consistency with its strategic vision.

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    32 min