
  • Astrology: Your Real Big 3
    Feb 1 2024

    Your "Big 3" in Astrology are your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Conventionally. Thing is, what you see in someone's personality is not their Sun, Moon, and Rising. Ready to understand yourself and others at the deepest levels? Learn your real Big 3 in this here episode and never be the same again. Let's get into it!

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

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    21 min
  • Everyone Has All 12 Zodiac Signs
    Jan 25 2024

    What if you understood that you have the whole zodiac, all 12 signs, within your personality, your chart; your life? In this episode you'll gain a way of looking at the 12 signs that code-breaks life, relationships, love, and money. This should have been taught in kindergarten. There is a reason astrology was kept from the people, demonized or delegitimized--because of the power it has to change your life for the better and empower you at the highest levels. Let's get into it!

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

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    42 min
  • Everything You Want is on the Other Side of the Inner Work
    Jan 18 2024

    Expect to have your consciousness shifted! People complain so much but the answer is simple - inner work. People long to make their dreams and desires a reality never realizing that all of it is on the other side of the inner work. We discuss owning your decision to do or not to do it and the huge pay offs when you choose to do the deep alchemical transformation. You'll learn 9 things people are doing instead of doing the inner work. Get ready for an epiphany! Let's get into it!

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

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    1 h et 2 min
  • Rare Astrological Transits Equaling Fateful Changes
    Jul 13 2023

    The Nodal Shift of July 18, 2023 is a rare transit. We have not had Pluto in Capricorn with an Aries North Node and a Libra South Node for over 248 years. It hasn't happened in our lifetime and the last time we had a Pluto square the Libra South Node, Pluto was in Cancer in 1931. This is rare!

    When the nodes shift big chapters end and new beginnings are planted. They might not grow for some time. This is a Venus retrograde in Leo Summer. If you have Taurus or Scorpio planets you are likely dealing with a square to Venus. If you are part of the Libra Pluto generation you are having a Pluto transit right now or sometime within the next 18 months. And the whole planet is feeling these shifts. Don't miss this episode exploring the current fated changes.

    Light Goddess Podcast Takes a 2.0 Restructure. We'll back in February 2024!

    For a limited time you can book a
    PICK YOUR PRICE ASTROLOGY READINGS https://buy.stripe.com/4gw9BpfShfwP0xO6ov

    It will take you to the payment page where you pick your price, then it will take you to the scheduling page where you pick your day/time and input your birth data and questions. Then we'll meet live on zoom for your astrology consultation where you'll see your chart, be able to interact with me and ask questions. Finally you will receive an emailed recording of your reading.
    Only for a limited time. Pick your price.

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

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    37 min
  • Spiritual Debunking: The Truth About Reptilians
    Jul 6 2023

    In this episode, I will debunk and share the truth about Reptilians. Why is this such a common idea perpetuated as truth in the spiritual ethers? Is there really an alien race that seeks to control humanity and is doing evil in the world? Let's get into it!

    What you will learn about in this episode:
    • A reframing of why people talk about staying positive so much in spiritual circles
    • An exercise to speaking to your guides
    • The trinity of Spirit-Soul-Matter
    • The historical stripping of Spirit out of the trinity
    • One of the bigger causes of the perpetuated mechanistic worldview
    • A new way to look at darkness that can inspire you
    • Handling fear
    • Spiritual awakening
    • How Soul was stripped out of science
    • Mythology and our connection to Divine Love

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

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    47 min
  • Stepping Out of 3D and Into 5D
    Jun 29 2023

    5D is where we are evolving to as a species. It is where all the answers are located. Where there is said to be bliss, magic, and possibility. Um, but, like, how do we get there?

    In this episode, I share an exercise to activate your Higher Self so you can step out of 3D and into 5D. We discuss what the 3D is and is not. How do you actually step into 5D? And, how do you do so without repressing the triggers or traumas? I cover all of this and give you a way to practice stepping into 5D on a regular basis to resolve the old issues. Let's get into it!

    In this episode:
    • The ego self verses the the Higher Self
    • How the ego is related to and makes decisions based off the past
    • How to get the ego to trust the Higher Self to run your life
    • An exercise to cultivate a relationship and trust between your ego and Higher Self
    • Concepts and techniques to begin acting and thinking from 5D

    For a limited time you can book a
    PICK YOUR PRICE ASTROLOGY READINGS https://buy.stripe.com/4gw9BpfShfwP0xO6ov

    It will take you to the payment page where you pick your price, then it will take you to the scheduling page where you pick your day/time and input your birth data and questions. Then we'll meet live on zoom for your astrology consultation where you'll see your chart, be able to interact with me and ask questions. Finally you will receive an emailed recording of your reading.
    Only for a limited time. Pick your price.

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

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    48 min
  • Feeling Secure and Safe In Your Feminine
    Jun 22 2023

    Sharing with you parts of my own journey in bringing down the walls of my protective masculine energy, healing inferiority, and handling the insecurity of my feminine. If you no longer get your approval from certifications, degree, men, society, groups then what? Letting the guarded masculine energy down to confidently stand in my feminine energy has been bringing up terror, insecurity, and deep unconscious programming. Time to shift! Let's get into it!

    In this episode:
    • Feeling safe to take up space in the world in your feminine energy
    • Confidence in your masculine vs. confidence in your feminine
    • Superiority/Inferiority complex; dealing with it in others, dismantling it within self
    • Past life terror
    • The maladaptive response of my masculine energy as protection
    • Bringing the walls down of my protective masculine energy
    • Expertise and authority in your business
    • Humanities liberation from control, thought cages, money prisions

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

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    55 min
  • Part 2: What If You Have Done So Much Work On Yourself & Still Feel Not Good Enough?
    Jun 15 2023

    In part 2 we I go into how to resolve feeling not good enough. There is a really simple reason why you still feel this way and a really simple solution to changing it. I get deep into how to change feeling good enough as your truth. What if you felt good enough simply as who you were without question? For that matter what about feeling valuable, respected, worthy, and deserving? Let's get into it!

    For everything Light Goddess go to EmpoweredWomenRise.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min