
  • Deaths and Mysteries in Hollywood
    Feb 10 2025

    In one of the episodes, the podcast delves into the theory that George Reeves' death, officially ruled a suicide, might have been a cover-up for a murder.

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    2 min
  • Virgo Mater
    Jan 25 2025

    Fernando Roca Andreu nos explica en qué consiste su trabajo fotográfico Virgo Mater.

    Desde que el hombre decidió que Dios fuera masculino, ha ejercido su poder sobre la mujer, juzgándola e imponiendo su conducta hegemónica. Eva siguiendo la estela de Lilith comió de la fruta prohibida e hizo a Adán su cómplice. El Dios masculino los expulsó del paraíso.

    La serie fotográfica que presento es una crítica al patriarcado. Cuestiono la imagen de la mujer que se ha perpetuado a través de la historia utilizando como recurso las representaciones icónicas de la Virgen María.

    En muchas culturas la mujer ha sido subyugada al hombre y vista como un objeto de deseo o sometimiento. La religión católica ha colaborado imponiendo esta imagen idealizada y reduccionista de la mujer a través de la figura de la Virgen María.

    De esta manera se justifca la opresión y el control masculino sobre las mujeres e impone un modelo ideal de feminidad, satanizando cualquier otro. He querido aportar otra refexión sobre la construcción social del género y la forma como la religión y el patriarcado han infuido en la imagen de la mujer.Forzada por la naturaleza a parir con dolor y obligada por la sociedad a criar sin queja.

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    4 min
  • The ideal of the unknown
    Jan 15 2025

    Trapped in a nightmare, Marisol must fight for survival. After a night out with her brother, Marisol awakens to a terrifying reality: she's been kidnapped and imprisoned in a secluded cabin. Surrounded by other young women, she quickly realizes the horrifying truth: she's not alone, and her captors have sinister plans. As Marisol grapples with her fear and uncertainty, she must find a way to escape and be rescued by her brother before it's too late. C

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    Moins d'une minute
  • Be Your Own Master
    Jan 6 2025

    Expanding the Mind and Embracing Spirituality: A Journey to The Creator. This journal report is an insight into how an individual can expand his mind and be unattached from mundane existence to find his spiritual path that leads to The Creator.

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    4 min
  • Me lo Contó un Muerto (episodio 2)
    Dec 26 2024

    Cómo se escribió el libro Me lo Contó un Muerto Aquí el programa Me lo Contó un Muerto https://vimeo.com/ondemand/melocontounmuerto

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    1 min
  • Ann Browne (Trailer)
    Dec 17 2024

    The seamless process of presenting Ann's life is uncanny yet becomes one of deep and personal involvement for the reader.
    This is a story of a strong lady who would hold anyone accountable and fight against any injustice she encountered. Racism and bigotry were very prevalent throughout our country during the eras that she lived.
    During those eras, corrupt politicians were abundant, much like today, and Ann Browne would not tolerate their behavior. Available on @amazonbooks @barnesandnoble @rakuten_brand @google_playbooks @applebooks

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    Moins d'une minute
  • La Era Trump (El Libro)
    Dec 8 2024

    Entrevista al astrólogo Pedro Gónzalez Silva, quien publicó el libro La Era Trump, hace cuatro años, libro que fue vetado por las plataformas de vendedores de libros, digitales e impreso, y redes sociales, gracias a la persecución de los grupos de poder en aquel entonces en contra la editorial.

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    35 min
  • Analyzing Donald Trump's Second Term Foreign Policy: Status Quo or Isolationism?
    Nov 22 2024

    Donald Trump won the 2024 US presidential elections by beating Kamala Harris. Subsequently, he is set to become the country's President for the second time in his political career once Joe Biden's four-year tenure expires in January. Trump has made a huge statement that he is going to end all the foreign wars referencing to the crisis in Middle East and Ukraine. What will be Trump's foreign policy once his presidency begins in January? How will it impact the geopolitics? Let's delve into the detailed analysis by Professor Jon V. Kofas to find answers to these important questions. Professor Kofas is a retired professor of history from Greece. He specializes in international political economy and is a staunch critic of neoliberalism.

    (Video taken from The People’s Discourse's channel on Youtube)

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    1 h et 3 min