
  • Feed Your Faith, Not Your Fears
    Nov 14 2022
    Some of us are feeding our fears instead of starving them. Instead, we need to be starving our fears and feeding our faith. Want to overcome your fear? Then, let’s focus on what is true!

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    2 min
  • Living Free From Your Past
    Nov 11 2022
    You can’t drive life’s road without sometimes hitting bumps like regrets, disappointments, and tragedies. When you do, it’s easy to get stuck there, gazing back into your rearview mirror at the past. But God wants you to move on toward the future He has planned for you. It’s a future filled with hope – but to get there, you’ve got to turn your focus forward and look through the windshield at the road ahead.

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    2 min
  • You Matter
    Nov 10 2022
    It's so easy for us to forget how much we matter to God because so much of our world around us derives it's value from things like what you own, what you've accomplished, how many people know you, etc. But when it comes to your value, it is fixed and proven by what God was willing to give up for you to be reconciled to Him: His Son, Jesus.

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    2 min
  • Jesus Leaving The 99
    Nov 9 2022
    The concept of leaving the 99 to find the one is from the Parable of the Lost Sheep, which is found in Matthew 18:10–14 and Luke 15:3–7. In this parable, the shepherd has 100 sheep, 99 of which are accounted for, and one which is missing. He leaves the 99 sheep to go find that one that is lost. But the point of the parable is the finding of the one, not the leaving of the 99. This is a parable about salvation.

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    2 min
  • A Better Way To Talk To Ourselves
    Nov 8 2022
    Self-talk is the ongoing conversation we hold with our self in our mind. It includes thoughts about ourselves (“I’m worthless” or “I’m not good at this”) as well as thoughts about our circumstances (“I’ll never get out of this slump” or “This will completely ruin my day”). We all hold these kinds of ongoing conversations with ourselves, and although we might not always be aware of it, these conversations have a significant impact on our mood and our behaviors.

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    4 min
  • What The Gospel Isn't
    Nov 7 2022
    When God wants us to move in our walk with Him, He often doesn’t show us the whole picture. He wants us to follow the Holy Spirit and let Him lead us step by step without us necessarily knowing of or worrying about the bigger picture because that could lead us to try to control the outcome. If we study God’s Word frequently and diligently, if we give it our full attention, it will provide us with the direction, correction, and wisdom we need to succeed in what God has called us to do.

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    2 min
  • A Lamp To My Feet
    Nov 4 2022
    When God wants us to move in our walk with Him, He often doesn’t show us the whole picture. He wants us to follow the Holy Spirit and let Him lead us step by step without us necessarily knowing of or worrying about the bigger picture because that could lead us to try to control the outcome. If we study God’s Word frequently and diligently, if we give it our full attention, it will provide us with the direction, correction, and wisdom we need to succeed in what God has called us to do.

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    2 min
  • God Can Handle Your Doubts
    Nov 3 2022
    God welcomes your doubts because in His mysterious love, He wants the real you to know, love and honor the real Him. Naturally, that takes a lifetime of mutual pursuit which will undoubtedly involve asking questions along the way. We can rest assured that God is not threatened by our doubts or annoyed that suffering prompts us to ask questions. God cares about our uncertainties as much as He cares about our moments of courage, sorrow and joy.

    If you'd like to follow Jay Allen on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jayallenlive

    You can listen to more encouraging podcasts from the KCBI Podcast Network here: https://www.kcbi.org/podcasts/
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    3 min