
  • Bodily Autonomy, What Is It & How Do We Get It?
    Nov 24 2023
    In today’s episode of the pod we dive into a topic that I’m extremely passionate about. I’m excited to being talking all about bodily autonomy, body literacy, and informed consent. Let’s understand what these really mean and how we go about getting them in today society. I truly believe that for so many of us out there bodily autonomy is out the window. We’re put in situations where we’re made to believe the professionals must have all the answers. Yet, so often they don’t. Leaving feeling unseen and unheard. It’s time to learn how to take out power back! SHOP BLACK FRIDAY Our biggest sale of the year is going on right now! Shop all our formulas now with 35% OFF using code SHOP35 in our online shop. https://shoplunanueva.com/
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    23 min
  • Welcome Back :: Season #2 Teaser
    Nov 17 2023
    Welcome to Season #2 of The Living Wholistic Podcast! I am so happy you are here. This season is going to be amazing. My intention is for this pod to be a place where women come to gain knowledge and information on holistic approaches to healing, but also on how to advocate for themselves when in an allopathic medical setting. This season we will dive into deep topics like bodily autonomy, body literacy, and informed consent. You can expect to learn about the hormonal hierarchy, ways to manage stress, the importance of supporting our liver, the endocrine system, our sixth vital sign, mindfulness, and of course herbalism! While you’re waiting for episode #1 to drop… head over to Facebook and join our community. It’s been such an honor to create this space for women to come together in community and share what life is like as a woman. Our group is a… A safe space for you to express yourself fully. A safe space for you to share. A safe space for you to support others. A safe space to vent. A safe space for you to learn. A safe space for you to talk about your body. The purpose of this group is: • To support women in taking back their power. • To provide a safe space for women to come together and talk about their experiences in the medical industry. • To provide a safe space for women to be seen and heard. • To provide a safe space for women to learn about their bodies. • To support women in having true informed consent. What you can expect from this group: -Daily heart centered conversations with other women going through the same things as you. - Weekly education on herbs, the female body, and ways we can support ourselves well. -Monthly sacred circles were we can come together in community, share and learn. Join with this link: https://www.facebook.com/share/NwHfiKfWn7PLwtiX/?mibextid=WiMSqg
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    3 min
  • The Importance Of Breakfast :: Changing The Narrative :: Is Less Really Better?
    Sep 1 2023
    In this weeks episode of The Living Wholistic Podcast I chat all about the importance of eating breakfast for balancing hormones and blood sugar levels. We talk about how skipping it can force our body to release stress hormones that put us on an emotional roller coaster all day long. We go into the idea that as women we have been conditioned to believe less is better when it comes to food and how that has done us such a huge disservice. I know this topic can be triggering to so many of us out that. I hope you are able to come to this episode with an open mind and heart!
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    44 min
  • There’s A Time For Rest & There’s A Time For Stress S1 E20
    Aug 25 2023
    In today’s episode I talk about how I am in a season of my healing journey where chosen stress has great benefits. I share my new health journey working with a trainer lifting weights, doing calisthenics, and running sprints. I share how choosing pain daily has improved my ability to handle difficult situations as they come. I also briefly chat about our societies dependence on dopamine and how doing hard things supports us in balancing out this dependency. It’s a great episode and I hope you enjoy! Shop my herbal formulas: https://www.shoplunanueva.com/herbal-supplements Follow me on IG @gigi_livingwholistic @lunanuevafarms @luna_nueva_apothecary
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    47 min
  • What’s Happening with Luna Nueva Apothecary S1 E19
    Jul 28 2023
    Welcome back to the pod. Today I share the story of what the last few years has looked like for Luna Nueva Apothecary, my online herbal supplement business. I share where were are today and what we have to look forward to in the future. It’s kinda an exciting time for us right now! This months product is Hormone Helper a beautiful blend for regulating menstrual cycles and balancing hormones. If you are suffering from symptoms like painful menstruation, breast tenderness, migraines, hormonal acne, mood swings, or hot flashes. Or if you have been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or infertility this formula is for you! Grab it now using the coupon code mentioned in the episode to get 10% off. https://www.shoplunanueva.com/herbal-supplements Follow me on IG @gigi_livingwholistic @lunanuevafarms @luna_nueva_apothecary
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    42 min
  • Fertility Journey Update :: IVF in Mexico Plan :: Keeping The Faith S1 E18
    Jul 7 2023
    Welcome back to the pod y’all!! In today’s episode I share where I am currently in my fertility journey. We talk about what the plan is for IVF in Mexico. Why we took this month off from trying and more. It has been a long and hard road but I feel so grateful to have this outlet to share on. Thank you so much for your support and love! This months product of the month is one of my favorite formulas and definitely goes hand and hand with today’s episode! Hormone Helper is a beautiful blend for regulating menstrual cycles and balancing hormones. If you are suffering from symptoms like painful menstruation, breast tenderness, migraines, hormonal acne, mood swings, or hot flashes. Or if you have been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or infertility this formula is for you! Grab it now using the coupon code mentioned in the episode to get 10% off. https://www.shoplunanueva.com/herbal-supplements Follow me on IG @gigi_livingwholistic @lunanuevafarms @luna_nueva_apothecary
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    35 min
  • Freedom Comes When We Examine Our Behaviors S1 E17
    Jun 30 2023
    In todays episode I catch you up on what all has been going on in my world over the last few weeks. I also share a sort of revolution I had about a particular pattern in my life and how examining our behavior can provide us with so much freedom. I hope you enjoy! Check out my latest YouTube video where I share snippets of our daily life here on the farm and also give a full tour of our Spring Garden. https://youtu.be/E59bDaSyT64 Interested in supporting your stress response with my Adapt Elixir? Grab this beautiful blend of adaptogenic herbs with 10% off (until 6.30.23) by using the coupon code JUNE at checkout! https://www.shoplunanueva.com/herbal-supplements Follow me on IG @gigi_livingwholistic @lunanuevafarms @luna_nueva_apothecary
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    35 min
  • Nature Knows What It’s Doing :: Where There Is Life, There Is Always Death S1 E16
    Jun 2 2023
    In this week’s episode I finally share the story of my cat Juice giving birth to three kittens and what unfortunately happens the following days. It’s a hard life lesson about the natural world, connecting to our instincts, mothering and being our true selves. Where there is life, there is always death. I believe it’s important for us to lean into this idea instead of fearing it. Let’s connect! I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode, or any episode of the pod. Hit me up in IG or shoot me an email! Follow My Journey on IG Personal: @gigi_livingwholistic Farm: @lunanuevafarms Apothecary: @luna_nueva_apothecary Email: gigi@shoplunanueva.com Shop my formulas: www.shoplunanueva.com YouTube: @lunanuevafarms
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    45 min