
  • 18: Can Film Help Us Heal?
    Sep 9 2024

    Curious about how the medium of Film can heal trauma and foster growth? This week's episode features an enlightening conversation with Dr. Joshua Lee Cohen (USA), media psychologist and CEO of the Digital Storytelling Project.

    Dr. Cohen researches how film and video-based therapy can assist individuals coping with PTSD, depression, and anxiety by engaging their senses, emotions, and imagination. We also discuss how film can drive societal change and create meaningful dialogues.

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    “Film/Video-Based Therapy and Trauma: Post Traumatic Growth”

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    50 min
  • 17: Planning the 'Behind the Scenes' of BXL The Movie
    Aug 29 2024

    The documentation of the "behind-the-scenes" can have a massive impact on the distribution of a film, or creative project! Capturing the essence of the "behind-the-scenes" is planned in bigger productions, yet often omitted in small scale productions due to the lack of ressources.

    How can we leverage, organise, get excited, and build community throughout the whole process of sharing the "behind-the-scenes" of our movies and theater pieces?

    In this episode, we welcome Yves Ruth, a multi-talented artist based in Belgium, whose journey from dancer to producer offers invaluable insights. I invited Yves after reflecting deeply on the critical moments I missed in documenting the BTS in my early career.

    Yves Ruth takes us through his experience of working on "BXL The Movie" as a producer, and the meticulous effort that went into managing artists and producing this feature film. He had a crucial role in planning a creative way of filming the making off of this movie. We also explore strategies for securing funding and maintaining behind-the-scenes enthusiasm over the long haul.

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    59 min
  • BONUS 4: Nutrition pour danseurs (Français)
    Aug 28 2024

    This BONUS episode is in French. For subtitles in your preferred language, we recommend our listeners to watch it on Youtube. This is a specific interview about nutrition for dancers.


    Est-ce que votre corps de danseur a tout ce dont il a besoin pour être prêt pour partir en tournée, face faire à un spectacle intense, ou donner cours de manière régulière?

    Cindy Claes, danseuse / chorégraphe / actrice d'action, a traversé de nombreux défis au niveau de sa santé, dont un problème de surpoids qui m'arrivait pas à être résolu par les médecins. Suite à une crise de vie, un accompagnement d'un coach extraordinaire, une remise en question profonde se met en place par rapport à la nutrition. C'est l'étude de la nutrition sportive qui a permis à Cindy a transformer son corps et a donné un nouvel élan à sa carrière d'artiste-athlète.

    Dans cet épisode vous apprendrez à différencier la fatigue mentale de la fatigue physique, une nuance cruciale pour adapter votre nutrition en fonction de vos activités. En ajustant votre apport en protéines, lipides et glucides de manière stratégique, vous pourrez non seulement améliorer vos performances en tant que danseur, mais aussi prolonger la longévité de votre carrière!

    Enfin, nous abordons des stratégies saines et efficaces pour perdre du poids sans compromettre votre santé ni votre bien-être mental. Une perte de poids à court terme suivie d'une alimentation de maintien est la clé pour éviter des régimes draconiens. Les principes sont si simples, mais souvent mal expliqués.

    Cindy, qui a un long parcours dans la danse Hiphop, Dancehall, et Krump, et qui aujourd'hui en tant que artiste-athlète surmonte tous ses challenges professionnels en tant qu'actrice d'action (Krav Maga, combat de scène, luttes chorégraphiées pour le cinéma, etc), vous partage son savoir.

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    29 min
  • 16: Going Viral, from Laundry Room to the World
    Aug 18 2024

    Known as Hanna is Golden on socials, her dancehall videos received global attention and had millions of views. Hanna Min Jung Herbertson, a strategist who's danced her way into the viral spotlight, now shares her marketing wizardry.

    This episode is for anyone looking to hire a social media specialist without falling prey to overpriced hype. Hanna, with her unique blend of NGO, startup, and creative industry experience, reveals the importance of understanding your creative brand's essence and how to shape your online narrative, ensuring your social media posts remain as authentic as possible.

    From the bustling streets of New York, to the digital spheres of Sweden and Nigeria, Hanna's journey is a testament to the dynamic nature of social media and its boundless opportunities. Hanna's own story of a viral TikTok breakthrough from the laundry room proves that the right mix of consistency and authenticity can catapult anyone into the limelight.

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    51 min
  • 15: Krav Maga and a Nervous System that feels Safe
    Aug 7 2024

    Our host and action actress Cindy Claes has been on an intense Krav Maga (self-defense) journey. Initially training to perfect her fighting skills for the camera, it soon evolved into a transformative experience of emotional resilience. Many questions started to arise. She experienced tears in the training sessions, as well as a huge amount of love.

    Join our conversation with Sergej Krivoruchko as we unravel the profound and unexpected connections between his Krav Maga journey and his new life in Bulgaria: a quest of calming the nervous system. How can Krav Maga and self-defense go beyond physical safety to become a journey of emotional healing and personal growth?

    Sergej, founder of Authentic Bulgaria, shares his compelling story of finding security and safety within, first through Krav Maga and then by moving to Bulgaria. After running a Krav Maga club in Knokke, he left the busy bubbling cities of Belgium (or the concrete jungles as he calls it), and is now on a mission to create safe environments by taking people on tours in the wonders of Bulgaria.

    Our conversation focuses on the calming of the nervous system, the finding of a community we belong to, and our body sensations when getting out of our comfort zones. Krav Maga and Sergej's new life in Bulgaria share this importance of needing to feel secure both physically and emotionally. Sergej's journey of belonging in a new society is a very special and mindful one.

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    45 min
  • 14: Pursuing an International Acting Career: From Small Town to Big Screen
    Jul 28 2024

    How does an actor from a small country make it to the international market? Do you really have to live in the big cities in order to make it?

    Tune in to our conversation with Ruben Francq, a Belgium-based actor and acting coach, who shares his journey. From teaching to acting in commercials, films, and series, Ruben reveals the challenges he faced and the strategies he used. Learn how self-tape auditions have revolutionised the industry and the crucial role his dedicated agent played in building a successful acting career.

    Ruben worked on international sets, and talks about the cultural contrasts between American positivity and Belgian modesty as he recounts one of his major film experiences. Embracing compliments from his American colleagues transformed his confidence and performance.

    Additionally, get tips on how to prepare for auditions with minimal information, focusing on script analysis, and making every small role count. Ruben shares valuable insights on navigating auditions and the art of standing out while staying true to the text.

    Ruben also discusses the hurdles faced by actors who didn't follow the traditional drama school path and the significance of working on student films. Learn how creating your own opportunities and diversifying your identity beyond acting can provide financial stability and emotional balance.

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    48 min
  • BONUS 3: Nutrition et Entraînement, Les Secrets d’une Carrière Durable en tant qu’Artiste-Athlète (Français)
    Jul 28 2024

    This BONUS episode is in French. For subtitles in your preferred language, we recommend our listeners to watch it on Youtube. This is a beautiful interview about how to stay in our creative movement industries in the long term, through training and nutrition.


    Blessures, prise de poids, vieillissement, diminution de son niveau de performance... comment rester dans l'industrie à long terme en tant que danseur, cascadeur, ou artiste du mouvement?

    Notre invité Issa de TLA Coaching, partage son approche en tant que coach et personal trainer. Issa faisait de l'athlétisme. Il ne fait plus de compétitions aujourd'hui, néanmoins il continue à s'entraîner exactement comme un athlète.

    Nous discutons de l'importance d'une hygiène de vie irréprochable pour optimiser ses performances, que ce soit dans le sport ou la danse. Conseils sommeil, nutrition, récupération, cet épisode veut donner aux danseurs et artistes du mouvements une meilleure compréhension des outils qui pourront prolonger leur carrière.

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    57 min
  • 13: Overcoming the Starving Artist Syndrome
    Jul 16 2024

    What if you could transform your financial struggles into a source of creative power? Join us for an eye-opening episode with Lisy Butterfly, a liberation and leadership coach, as she guides us through the nuanced relationship between artists and financial stability. Lisy shares how somatic intelligence and embodiment practices can revolutionise your financial mindset. She offers profound insights on how to break free of survival mechanisms triggered by money, and highlights how artists can reclaim their power in the field of wealth.

    We dive into the "broke and starving artist syndrome", societal programming, and how nervous system regulation is crucial for financial stability. Discover various embodiment techniques to unlock creativity and enhance your financial health.

    Lisy equips you with practical tips around money and mindset to prepare your nervous system for the abundance you deserve. Redefine your relationship with money by acknowledging it, savouring its presence, and leveraging it.

    Guest Instagram and Facebook:
    Guest Website:
    Lisy's Free Starter Kit to practice Dance Manifestation
    Lisy's Free Access to the Abundance Prayer

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    55 min