The Maryland Crabs Podcast

Auteur(s): The Maryland Crabs
  • Résumé

  • Did the Governor pull a boneheaded move? Does a new national policy affect you? What are the best things to do in Annapolis? Who can stir the pot and who can calm it down? Tune into The Maryland Crabs and find out. Maryland's ESSENTIAL Podcast!
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  • Jerome Segal & David Lashar: Alternative Voices Offering Alternative Choices
    Aug 10 2022

    We've got three months to go before we vote for a new governor. And subsequent to the big-party primaries in July, most Marylanders are thinking that they face a stark choice limited to Democratic and Republican candidates who represent the very best or the very worst of the two parties, depending on how you look at it. But there ARE other voices out there. In this podcast, Tim sits with two of the more interesting voices out there, 1) Jerome Segal, who is founder of Bread & Roses Socialism, ran for Governor in the Democratic primary, and is now running for President against Joe Biden, and 2) David Lashar, the Libertarian Party candidate for Maryland Governor this fall. It was a good coversation between three people with different political views but a common passion for civil debate on both general philosophy and specific issues.

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    51 min
  • Jerome Segal & David Lashar...Dark Horse Gubernatorial Candidates
    Aug 3 2022

    We've entered election season with just slightly over three months until we vote for a new governor. We're a solid-blue state that does not shy away from electing moderate Republicans. So the two major parties generally suck the air out of the room, leaving little for other candidates. That means that we rarely get to hear new ideas and perspectives. Tim sat down a couple of days before the primaries to chat with two gubanatorial cadidates...Jerome Segal, a Socialist who ran on the Democratic ticket (and is now running for President of the United States) and David Lashar, a Libertarian who ran for Congress during the last election. It was a good conversation between three people with different perspectives on politics who may agree here and there. 

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    48 min
  • Paula Poundstone...'Tis the Season to Be Funny (December 2021)
    Dec 10 2021

    This is a Crabcake from The Maryland Crabs! What is a Crabcake? Well, it's a very short snippet of something you need to know. It might be 5 minutes long..or it might be 20....we don't have any kind of plan. In any event, enjoy your Maryland Crabcake!

    It's not the Christmas season until Paula Poundstone comes to Rams Head on Stage ! This year, she will be in town for two shows on December 18. Tim and Paula are now best friends (probably) since they chat around this time every year. This time, we covered surviving the COVID lockdown, kids and social media, Twitter, cats (which is de rigueur at this point), and the release of her new album, "Paula Goes to College (for one night only)." We also talk more about her hilarious weekly podcast, No One Listens to Paula Poundstone.


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    • Paula's Website
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    • Paula's Twitter
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    28 min

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