
  • Anyone else want to pick your child's significant other? Or is it just me?
    Mar 4 2025

    During a date night with my husband, we had a fun and hard conversation about how in a short few years, our family of 6 will forever change with girlfriends and boyfriends added into the mix.

    Of course, we know who would best fit our children right? However, we had to step back and remember that we were also that "unlikely" couple that got together and married. We did not bring equal value into the relationship and it made us step back and realize that imperfect relationships do not define a successful marriage.

    Do your part as parents to teach and instill core values into your children and the rest is up to them.

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

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    26 min
  • The power of a sloppy signature
    Feb 25 2025

    You will never guess where I am at when this episode airs. Halfway across the world! Yup, crazy I know! But several months ago I signed my name on a sheet of paper with my crappy handwriting having no idea how powerful that signature would become.

    This episode is both encouraging and challenging and I hope it makes you step it up and step into your own mission in this world.

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

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    19 min
  • Sometimes you gotta humble yourself and sit on the bench first
    Feb 18 2025

    Did you ever have that moment where you felt you were "super" good at something or were meant for this really big thing, and it didn't work out at all or you totally missed the mark?

    That certainly happened to me a few months ago and I couldn't not understand why... That was until it was revealed to me during a hard conversation with my teenage daughter.

    We need to do a little check-in from time to time. Take a step back and humble our entitled selves. It really does matter!

    Enjoy this little gut punch from my heart to yours.

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

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    27 min
  • Some lessons learned from 3 years of being an Adoptive Mom
    Feb 11 2025

    Our adoptive daughter turns three this weekend! I cannot believe it! In this time of celebration, it made me really sit back and reflect on the many lessons I have learned in the last 3 years of navigating being an Adoptive Mom. The good, the hard, the mistakes, and everything in between.

    I thought I would share my heart with you and even if you are not an adoptive mama yourself, I feel like there are pieces of this that you can take away or share with others!

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

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    37 min
  • Your "yes" to planting that small seed, can truly lead to really big impact.
    Feb 4 2025

    I had the privilege of speaking in front of a wonderful group of flower farmers a few weeks ago and wanted to share my speech with you. Even if you are not someone who can keep a flower or plant alive, I feel there are pieces in this speech that can be helpful for anyone.

    Most importantly, I want you to know that even the smallest seed you may plant can truly impact others!

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

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    35 min
  • Learning to embrace how I tick
    Jan 28 2025

    You listened to me talk about my battle with anxiety a few episodes ago and today I am going to talk to you about ADHD, how I tick, and how I find it to be more of a superpower than not.

    This episode might be exhausting or give you a lightbulb moment for yourself or someone in your life. Either way, I am going to share my realization about ADHD, and for me, why I have not chosen to get diagnosed.

    This is my story and journey and everyone is so very different. I am all about seeking advice from an actual trusted physician when need be and doing what is right for you.

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

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    34 min
  • Going from a fan to follower with bio & adoptive mom Karli Moch
    Jan 21 2025

    In this episode you will hear the incredible story from Karli Moch on going through the hardest health journey and how it led her to hit rock bottom, lose her identity, and start a beautiful journey of healing and health and surrendering to God's plan which then led her to an adoption journey.

    Every journey and story is so beautiful and unique in its own way.

    To learn more about Karli’s story, her book or the opportunity to partner with her you can find all those details on her website www.karlimoch.com, or connect with her on social platforms @KarliMoch_ @thedreamproject_nd

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

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    42 min
  • My battle with anxiety
    Jan 14 2025

    If you have listened to past podcast episodes, every now and then I would throw out the fact that I have battled with anxiety. I thought I would go way out of my comfort zone and do a whole episode to share my journey of fighting this and figuring out how to live my best life with anxiety.

    I am not in the medical field in any way but I hope there are pieces of sharing my journey that can help someone listening.

    To follow more of me head on over to Instagram @youmatterbymegan

    For a signed copy of my new book From Zero To Four- https://meganlynnmay.com/collections/from-zero-to-four-book

    If you are a gift-giving enthusiast like me check out www.youmatterboutique.com

    Or to truly see all the irons I have in the fire head-on over to https://www.meganlynnmay.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min