
  • Why organizations will benefit from transparency with Aydan Al-Saad
    May 18 2023

    Can empowering employees to know more of their worth actually be a benefit to their employer?  Aydan Al-Saad, Head of the UK, Ireland and Nordics at Ravio and TikTok sensation believes that pay transparency and employee empowerment will benefit their organizations as much as the individuals.   He sat down with Gina Clarke, our Director of Content in the EU, to discuss pay transparency, why content will be the ‘new cv’ and the importance of empowering employees to have side hustles.

    Guest: Aydan Al-Saad Head of the UK, Ireland and Nordics at Ravio

    Host:  Gina Clarke, Director of Content, Money20/20 EU

    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer,  The MoneyPot, Money20/20

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • Why is embedded investing the next step to wealth inclusion with Mary Agbesanwa
    May 16 2023

    Why is embedded investing the next step to wealth inclusion with Mary Agbesanwa

    Financial Inclusion means so much more than access to a money account.  Building wealth requires access to many financial tools that are not understood broadly, but are vital to creating health and wealth.  This has created a gender wealth gap that  Mary Agbeswa, Fintech Growth Lead at Seccl is on a mission to end utilizing new wealthtech, embedded investing and financial literacy.   

    Guest:  Mary Agbeswa, Fintech Growth Lead at Seccl

    Host: Ian Horne, Head of Content,  Money20/20 EU

    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, The MoneyPot at Money20/20

    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min
  • How we can use data to create global platforms for property valuations with Carmen Vicelich
    May 12 2023

     Every once in a while, someone uses truly clever solutions to leapfrog forward and show us how technology can truly solve real problems.    That’s what Carmen Vicelich did with Valocity.   Carmen, a self-described data nerd, realized that a platform that brought together all the players in real estate, shortening the valuation process, and allowing for a more complete picture of neighborhoods, was long overdue.   As she set out to build it, she created a data company - Data Insight- providing both public and private entities with valuable new insights.  And she has just launched a third company, using similar tools, to help identify carbon footprints.  She takes us through the challenge, and where she hopes her solutions will go.

    Guest: Carmen Vicelich, Founder and Global CEO, Valocity

    Hosts: Nick Holland, Global Head of Insights, Money20/20

    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, The MoneyPot

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    18 min
  • How do we get truly inclusive payments with Joanne Dewar
    May 9 2023

    Utilizing payments as a tool to aim towards a more inclusive system requires more than just an extended tech stack.   There is a lot of work to be done to make payments as inclusive as possible, and that challenge has increased as our world has gone more digital and there are barriers to acquiring proper payment products.    But Joanne Dewar, former CEO of Global Payments Solutions where she remains as a board member, is just getting started.   She is on a mission, and she shared it with us. 

    Guest:  Joanne Dewar, former CEO of Global Payments Solutions where she remains as a board member

    Hosts:  Ian Horne, Head of Content, Money20/20 EU

    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, Podcast at Money20/20

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • What do we do about dedollarization? with Simon Taylor, Sardine
    May 5 2023

    Simon Taylor is one of the most forward thinkers and trusted movers in fintech, and last year when sanctions around SWIFT were announced, he wrote an incredibly clear and compelling explanation in his Fintech Brainfood Substack. One line stood out: “I think as Fintech Nerds, we have a real opportunity to build a better SWIFT and a better dollar global order.”

    Since that was written, several events have taken place that puts the dollar as the global currency more in question than ever before- including deals to buy oil with the Chinese Yuan, and movements in digital currencies. So, we need to ask “What do we do about de-dollarization?”

    Guest: Simon Taylor, Head of Content and Strategy, Sardine and Author of Fintech Brainfood SubStack

    Hosts: Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, The MoneyPot Podcast
    Micky Tesfaye, Content Lead, Money20/20EU

    Producer: Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, The MoneyPot Podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    48 min
  • How do we get serious about ESG with Gerrit Sindermann
    May 2 2023

    The ESG space is busy, busy, busy. Sustainability is becoming a key indicator for our industry. And one of its busiest proponents is Gerrit Sindermann, the Deputy Executive Director at the Green Digital Finance Alliance, a Swiss-based non-profit promoting the next generation of green digital finance.

    We spoke with Gerrit about how to get serious around the issues of environmental, social governance, and the climate agenda within fintech and digital innovation and what three big takeaways he wants to leave with the audience in the upcoming Money20/20 EU show in Amsterdam.

    Guest: Gerrit Sindermann, Deputy Executive Director, Green Digital Finance Alliance

    Hosts: Gina Clarke, Content Director, Money20/20 EU
    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, The MoneyPot Podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Reboot: Preparing for an attack on Global Financial Networks with Rahav Shalom-Revivo, Israeli Ministry of Finance
    Apr 5 2023

    In December 2021, 10 nations and several international institutions participated in a simulation "war game" on the global financial networks.

    It was organized and led by the Israeli Ministry of Finance, to anticipate the need for smarter international cooperation to protect systems. The goal was to prepare for the possibility of wide-spread simultaneous hacks, understand what were the key weaknesses, and find measures that could be implemented across international lines.

    We spoke with Rahav Shalom-Revivo, Head of Financial-Cyber Innovation and International Engagements, about the preparation and nature of the simulation, and the key findings that can keep our world safer.  In her words "Collaboration is key in order to be able to make sure that the good guys actually win in the end."

    Guest: Rahav Shalom-Revivo, Head of Financial-Cyber Innovation and International Engagements, Israeli Ministry of Finance

    Hosts: Sanjib Kalita, Editor-in-Chief, Money20/20

    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer of the MoneyPot, Money20/20

    Producers: Roland Bodenham, Senior Video Producer and Podcast Lead, Ascential
    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer of the MoneyPot, Money20/20

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min
  • Reboot: Creating Ethical Rules for AI in the EU, with Ismini Psychoulla
    Mar 28 2023

    With ChatGPT and its cousins flourishing and fleshing out our imaginations of what AI can do, there is more open scrutiny about the ethics and definitions of AI.   We will be looking to talk more about this in the coming months, but in the meantime, we wanted to revisit an episode that seems even more relevant now.

    AI has a ‘black box’ issue and the lack of understanding about how such systems work can raise concerns about opacity, unfair discrimination, ethics and threats to individual privacy and autonomy. Would it be fair/acceptable if in the future AI used your digital identity and social media posts and decided you have very expensive habits and are thus unlikely to repay your debts? The new AI regulation proposed in the EU aims to address these issues by requesting processes to build, audit and safeguard AI systems. We spoke with Ismini Psychoula, Research Scientist at the OneSpann Innovation Center, about the principles behind the new regulations, and how to ensure trustworthiness and fairness in financial services.

    Guest: Ismini Psychoula, Research Scientist, OneSpan Innovation Centre
    APRIL- Autonomous Podcasting Robotic Intelligent Lifeform

    Hosts: Sanjib Kalita, Editor-in-Chief, Money20/20
    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, MoneyPot, Money20/20

    Producers: Roland Bodenham, Senior Video Producer and Podcast Lead, Ascential
    Rachel Morrissey, Executive Producer, MoneyPot, Money20/20

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min