
  • How Should Christians Respond to Discussions of Racial Injustice?
    Jun 28 2020

    In today’s episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with Shatoyia Bradley, a business owner, fashion designer, writer, editor, wife, and mother for a frank discussion about racism, her experience as a black woman in the church and in America, and loving our neighbors in the context of systemic injustice.

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    1 h et 19 min
  • Spiritual Warfare 101
    Jun 6 2020

    The devil walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, as the Bible says. But what does this mean for Christians today, and more to the point, what (if anything) can we do about it? Cover some of the basics of spiritual warfare with Suzannah Rowntree in today’s episode!

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    35 min
  • On Tribes, Ethics, and Enemies
    Jun 6 2020

    We know we’ve been on a bit of a hiatus. Y’all may have noticed that there’s been a lot going on! Plus, we have all been busy working hard at our various callings. But we still have a lot to say, and you are not going to want to miss this one.

    Join Monstrous Host Elisabeth for a compelling discussion on tribalism: what it is, how it impacts Christian discourse and behavior, and what its implications are in a “culture war”.

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    47 min
  • The Pagan Roots of Insisting Christmas Has Pagan Roots
    Dec 22 2019

    Every year in Christian circles, there’s an ongoing debate about whether Christians should celebrate the incarnation of Christ on December 25, and what that has to do with ancient pagan idolatry. Joint monstrous host Kate Robinson to take a closer look at the origins of the Christmas holiday, what scripture says about pagan worship, and the implications for us today.

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    52 min
  • Is Toxic Masculinity Real?
    Dec 22 2019

    Today we’ll be defining toxic masculinity, debating the concepts it was invented to describe, and asking whether the term and the reasoning behind it are useful for Christians.

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    58 min
  • On the Transformed Wife and Marital Rape
    Dec 22 2019

    Monstrous host Toni Kolb and her brother Christ Hutto review a recent talk by The Transformed Wife on the topic of marital rape, and have a frank discussion about the conclusions contained therein.

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    45 min
  • Christian Witchcraft: And Other Ways Magic Religion Pervades the Church
    Dec 22 2019

    Christians have a history of responding to the occult, or anything that smacks of the occult, with superstitious fear. We need not be afraid of folk magic practices…but we do need to properly evaluate their presuppositions.

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    53 min
  • We Are Not Our Bodies, Our Bodies Are Ours
    Dec 22 2019

    Scripture calls the body the temple of the Holy Spirit, but for many people, the body is an object of hatred, shame, or disgust. In today’s episode, monstrous Becky Robinson talks about reconciling ourselves to our bodies and the importance of finding healing and safety therein.

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    32 min