
  • The responsibility of answering questions.
    Aug 24 2021

    When someone asks you a question, what you might not think of or realize is the enormity of responsibility that comes with. Let me frame it for you. When I ask a client what they are looking for, it happens that I can see them over the phone tapping their fingertips together in delight of being granted the wish of being able to have whatever they can think of. Which of course is not true. Same with nannies and for example salary wishes.


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    5 min
  • Why are you applying for this job?
    Aug 17 2021

    A common question you might get in an interview is “why are you applying for this job”. And I bet that the person asking it has something in mind that they want to hear. It’s never going to be the same answer that is the right one. This is one that I have been thinking a lot about recently, I had a client who said the first question they ask is always why are you applying for this job, and the way he told me it seemed very obvious I should know exactly what his right answer was.


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    5 min
  • What does a gap in your CV mean?
    Aug 10 2021

    Let’s talk about a gap in your CV and how people read it. First off, I just want to say that I generally think that it is much better to address possible objections first, meaning, if you think someone is going to ask or wonder about something, take charge of that conversation and lead it where you want it to go rather than be caught off guard and not feel prepared to answer, or even comfortable to. 


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    6 min
  • Honesty in a time of pandemic
    Aug 3 2021

    Since the beginning of the Sars Cov2 pandemic we have all collectively gone through a traumatic period. We are all affected differently, but regardless of how, the world is different now. We are different. Some things are good, some things are awful and I always try to look at it, trying to find the silver linings. One of the things I like, that I wish will stay with us but I am not sure if it will is a new level of honesty. We have relied on each other’s honesty to stay safe and healthy, and we will continue to do so. 


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    6 min
  • Sharing parenting values with the family
    Jul 27 2021

    Parenting values can be controversial topics in all kinds of circumstances. What philosophies do you agree with? Which ones do you disagree with? That's what we will talk about today.


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    6 min
  • Have you envisioned your career path?
    Jul 20 2021

    Today I thought we could talk a little bit about your career path and whether or not you have an idea of where it’s going.


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    5 min
  • Where do you want to be in five years?
    Jul 13 2021

    Have you thought about where you want to be in five years? Not only geographically, but emotionally, physically, in your career, in your relationships? I think it’s always good to have goals to aim for, and for the areas that are your priority right now, a clear path to take you to the next step.

    That's what we will talk about today.


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    5 min
  • Who do you want to be?
    Jul 6 2021

    “Who do you want to be?”

    This podcast is brought to you by the Riviera Nannies and Staff Academy, your place to learn and fine tune your career path and professional profile at any stage of your career. Visit www.rivieranannies.fr for more information.

    Who are you? Who are you now, and who do you want to be? It can be in any area of your life, but because we usually talk about work and career, let’s talk about who you want to be as a professional. We all have areas that we are happy with as they are, and we have areas that we want to improve. And although it wasn’t meant as such a big and profound question, the phrase “Who are you today” is just such a great one to ask ourselves. Who are you today? Today I have these things going for me. I have honored my integrity and values in this and that way, but I would really like to improve this part, and the way to do that is by these steps.

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    5 min