
  • Life Beyond the War of "Realities"
    Aug 4 2024

    How does it feel when someone begins a sentence with: "THE REALITY IS... [Fill in the blank].
    You nailed it, it feels ugly, intrusive, domineering, delusional.
    So why do we often feel so insecure outside and inside ourselves that we begin to dictate the "reality"?
    Bart ten Berge explores the weaponization of the concept of "reality" and unveils the deeper, nondual sense of reality in the here and now which underlies the field of all direct experience.

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    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    24 min
  • What is Peace, Really?
    May 21 2024

    Bart ten Berge draws into a depth exploration of the life force of the Nondual Quality of peace that is here beyond the duality of War & Surrender.
    How can we find peace and how will it set us free?
    Is there a space where we are the peace which is sensing the whole?

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    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    21 min
  • Are We Essentially Responsible?
    May 12 2024

    Nondual Therapy pioneer Georgi Y. Johnson gives essential pointers toward the quality of responsibility - how it gets misconceived and how to access it as a vibration. In this talk, we journey in the here and now outward from the Garden of Eden and original sin, through the world's first murders to our difficulty being "here" in the world of bank overdrafts and social fear.
    A whole new take on the nondual mechanics of manifesting freedom through time and space.

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    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    28 min
  • Carefree Caring
    May 6 2024

    An exploration of the Nondual Quaity of Care with spiritual psychologist Bart ten Berge.
    Can care be unconditional?
    Is care a sensory happening, an experience, or is it more of a bahavior?
    How dows the energy of care influsence places of sufferinng?
    Is care limited in supply and determined by time?
    Is there a form of care which is non-physical?
    Could care be an attribute of consciousness itself?

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    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    22 min
  • Trauma in the Here & Now - Georgi Y. Johnson
    Apr 27 2024

    Georgi Y. Johnson describes how Nondual wisdom is critical to the understanding of trauma and the development of modalities to support the integration of unbearable aspects of experience into the flow of wholeness.
    Trauma disrupts the flow of sensory information through all dimensions of life, opening the existential questions:
    "Who am I?"
    "What am I?"
    "Where am I?"

    The rupture of trauma also exposes that which can never be broken - the source of consciousness itself. Our ability to stay open within the experiential field of these questions ennables us to re-center in deeper dimensions of ourselves, opening te pathway from trauma to resilience.
    Extracted from a series of teachings on Nonduality and Trauma given in Israel by Georgi Y. Johnson and Bart ten Berge in the aftermath of October 7th, 2023.

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    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    30 min
  • An Unbothered Bliss
    Apr 20 2024

    "Pleasure is the partner of pain.
    Bliss has no opposite.
    In Bliss, pain and pleasure are one."

    Georgi explores the Nondual Quality of bliss and how it connects to the dimension of pleasure and pain. Bliss, she explains is a chariot that moves through dimensions, from the physicall, through subtle fields of experience and into the spiritual. As such it has a tremendous healing effect.

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    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    29 min
  • Experience and the Nondual Nature of Duality
    Apr 14 2024

    All about the miracle that we're able to experience life.

    Bart ten Berge takes a deep dive into the substance of experience and its purpose in being here in freedom.

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    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    36 min
  • You are the Celebration
    Apr 6 2024

    Beyond nihilism and attachment, Georgi explores the Nondual aspect of celebration. How does it feel when we celebrate our lives, this space, this moment? What effect does it have on the sensory experience of being here in freedom?

    Support the show

    Come celebrate true nature with us at the Nondual Kitchen, join a workshop, or book a mentorship session with Georgi at I Am Here . Life.

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    25 min