Welcoming Aaron (in his studio), a mental health panelist, Twitch streamer, and variety content creator - even having presented on stage at the exhibition centre around Mental health and gaming.
In this episode we explore how our personal beliefs and ways of being show up both positive and negative in every avenue of life we pursue - work, relationships, gym, gaming etc. For me, it's the strength and fitness world, while for Aaron, it's the gaming world. And while there have been challenges navigating these spaces, we've both managed to transform our respective ecosystems into something positive and fulfilling.
We dive deep into how mental health challenges manifest in ways that are surprisingly similar across different realms. The core beliefs and struggles that arise are often shaped by the same underlying issues, no matter the community.
In this conversation, we discuss comparison, the intentions driving our actions, navigating the common setbacks, our experiences evolving from them, and so much more....
Aarons IG; mdvaaron