
  • S5E7 This Little Light of Mine
    Dec 17 2023
    History has a way of revealing some unpleasant truths about society and how it treated its citizens, but the present has an uncanny ability to shield truth from light. Each of us with a voice are obligated to call out those who revel in the plight of minorities and in their movement for social justice and equal rights so that history never repeats itself again. Unlike a bad movie you watch again, real life is something you can’t pause or fast forward pass the parts you don’t like. We all have to do our part to ensure that the next chapter of our nation’s history is read with a smile rather than with eyes wide shut.
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    32 min
  • S5E6 The Bible And The Belt
    Nov 13 2023
    The word of God almighty is impactful and can be life changing for those who live by it. But His word can also have a negative effect on those who are targeted by it, especially when God’s word is used as a sword to justify evil acts supposedly done in His name. All that is pure can also be viewed as evil if misappropriated by those of authority who know better.
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    28 min
  • S5E5 White Chocolate Is Still Black
    Oct 31 2023
    There’s science and then there are the people behind the science. This episode explores the truths about where people with blond hair and blue eyes get their distinctive features and how their true ancestry has been hidden from them in plain site.
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    30 min
  • S5E4 Don’t Blame Us For Your Circumstances
    Oct 7 2023
    It’s easy to blame others for things, which happen in life that you miscalculated. But before animas is directed towards that person or a particular group you believe contributed to your miscalculation, you should look at who had the power to effectuate what you blamed on others. In doing so you will cease being the ass of those who really deserve the anger of your discontent.
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    27 min
  • S5E3 The Real Black Jocks
    Sep 24 2023
    Black jocks have made huge strives in their chosen sport, but before the current or previous black jocks began to do the darn thing, there were real black jocks who rode the backs of beasts to win 15 of the first 28 Kentucky Derbies. This episode celebrates them and their talents, which made the Kentucky Derby the most prized horse race in that sport. Those brothers not only rode horses to victory, but they also made a great deal of money which allowed them to live like kings. Enjoy listening to their stories.
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    16 min
  • S5E2 How We Really Got There: The Ugly Truth
    Aug 27 2023
    Slavery is wrong no matter how one tries to depict it. Those involved or were involved in the slave trade should not be immune from exposure nor their role in it from being disclosed, including the Great Kings and Queens of Africa. Two wrongs didn’t make a right then nor does it now, but failing to teach the evils of slavery and the ills of it is wrong on all levels because history does and will repeat itself if it’s forgotten or erased from the history books.
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    14 min
  • S5E1 Is Hood Justice Equal Justice
    Jul 23 2023
    History has proven one’s bias or conscious indifference towards another based upon ethnicity social status or income can and does materially affect how they see those before them as they sit in judgment in a juror’s box. In this episode I define Hood Justice and how it was first applied towards Native Americans and how it’s sending blacks to prison at an alarming rate today. How do we slow that pace, by advocating for jury pools that resemble the hood that an accused is from be it ethically socially or economically.
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    15 min
  • S4E10 The Objectification of Race and Gender And Why The Black Community Is Being Targeted
    Nov 21 2022
    Black folks have been objectified by those who were slave owners and by those who have benefited from the vestiges of slavery as a means to divide and conquer the black race, but now the powers to be are weaponizing the Black Church to do their bidding by objectifying those in the Black community who are gay. This episode explores the latest reason for it.
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    12 min