
  • Moving Stuff Around - Hi Jolly and Elisha Otis
    Feb 27 2025
    A man named Hadji Ali, but known as Hi Jolly, was an important figure with the US Army's short lived Camel Corps, and his legend lives on today. Around the same time a man named Elisha Otis changed the world with the elevator brake. It was safe and carried people higher and higher!
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    33 min
  • Banneker's Clock and Pearse's Plane
    Jan 29 2025
    Two guys who grew up on farms. Both were tinkerers. Benjamin Banneker, a free Black American created the first striking clock built in America. Richard Pearse, from New Zealand, was a pioneer in flight. Was he a first? we don't know for sure. But he was pretty interesting!
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    34 min
  • Oceans to Cross with Tori Murden-McClure
    Dec 29 2024
    Episode 101 tells the story of Tori Murden-McClure's solo row across the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to her story, hear her speak with Mick on the 25th anniversary of her successful solo crossing. Learn more about Tori in her book, "A Pearl in the Storm," or from the Audible recording of Dawn Landes's musical, Row: https://www.amazon.com/Row/dp/B091QB7SMS Or hear Dawn's album of the same name, based on Tori's story here: https://dawnlandesofficial.bandcamp.com/album/row
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    53 min
  • Animal Surprises
    Nov 30 2024
    Episode 100, y'all! Beautiful Jim Key was born sickly and weak, but became world famous and is remembered as the smartest horse in the world. His training and care came from a former enslaved man named Doctor William Key, and together, they made a profound impact on the world. Likewise, Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer was a museum curator in South Africa who discovered a fish believed to be extinct in 1938. The discovery made a tremendous impact on science and natural understanding. Plus, she was very cool.
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    47 min
  • Bone Wars and The Ghost Town Rhyolite
    Oct 30 2024
    Our 99th Episode! This episode features the narration talents of musician Will Oldham, also known as Bonnie Prince Billy. Will tells the story of Rhyolite, a town once founded in Death Valley after the discovery of gold by Frank "Shorty" Harris. Today it is a ghost town. But first, Mick tells the story of the Bone Wars, when Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope should have gotten along, but didn't. Still, they made some major paleontology and dinosaur discoveries. Stories written by Mick Sullivan, with editorial help from Will Oldham. Music arranged and performed by Mick Sullivan.
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    37 min
  • A Very Special Desk - an Election Season Special Episode
    Oct 17 2024
    The Resolute Desk is a fixture in the Oval Office. American Presidents have used it during some of the country's most pivotal moments. But what does the Resolute Desk have to do with England's dangerous expeditions into the Arctic in the 1800s? Find out on this episode - and learn about ghost ships, the search for the Northwest Passage, and a gift in honor of international friendship and diplomacy. This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/PCPOD and get on your way to being your best self.
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    28 min
  • Microscopes and Telescopes
    Sep 30 2024
    Episode 98 goes to the Netherlands. There is something remarkable about the Dutch when it comes to glass lenses and scientific tools. Maybe Hans Lippershay invented the telescope. Maybe it was some kids in his town. Or maybe it was one of two other guys who seem to have come up with the idea at the same time and place. And as far as microscopes go, a dutch man named Antonie von Leeuwenhoek got obsessed with microscopes. He is remembered as the father of microbiology.
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    37 min
  • I Scream for Ice Cream
    Aug 31 2024
    Episode 97 is all about ice cream. Eat it anytime of year - it's a treat that we might take for granted today. It used to be expensive, impossible, or potentially dangerous. From George Washington to Edmund Albius to Nancy Johnson to the Hokey Pokey Man, the stories around ice cream are richer than double chocolate chunk. Written, edited, and produced by Mick Sullivan. Original music by Mick Sullivan
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    32 min