Have you ever rescued someone? Have you ever needed rescue? Nicole and Sharon swap rescue stories and then open God's Word and rejoice in the greatest story of rescue ever told. Join us for this last episode of the season as we talk about Jesus, Lord and Savior. Merry Christmas, friends!
[su_spoiler title="Read transcript for The Perfect Rescuer - Jesus' Story" icon="arrow-circle-1"] Speaker 1 (00:04): Welcome to the Christmas edition of the Sweet Selah moments podcast. We are so glad that right in the middle of decking those halls, you have decided to stop for a while with us. We hope you will feel refreshed and blessed as you listen today. The Sweet Selah moments podcast is brought to you by Word Radio and Sweet Selah Ministries. Nicole (00:29): Welcome to the Sweet Selah moments Christmas podcast season. This is episode 27, The Perfect Rescuer: Jesus's Story. As we finish season two of our podcast, what better way to end than with Jesus, the true hero of the story? Sharon, have you ever had to be rescued or have you ever been the one to rescue in a situation? Sharon (00:50): Oh yes. I've been rescued several times over the course of my life. I'm a little oblivious to traffic at times and Ray has pulled me out of harm's way in parking lots and street crossings more times than I can recount. He's always like you are going to get yourself run over. Nicole (01:09): Oh no, that's too funny. Sharon (01:10): So, but I've also had two scary plane rides where the pilots of the planes were the heroes and helped us land safely. Nicole (01:15): Oh wow. Sharon (01:16): Want to hear them? Nicole (01:17): I would love to. Sharon (01:18): You still need to promise me you'll fly after this. Nicole (01:20): I may not. Sharon (01:22): When we were going to England one time, I was about 11. My parents and I, and my brothers and sister were all on a plane. We were over the Atlantic Ocean coming near Ireland, but not in Ireland. And I had a window seat and I looked out the window and I thought, well, that's funny, there's flames coming from the wing. Nicole (01:40): Oh my gosh. Sharon (01:41): I'm not kidding you. Nicole (01:42): That's horrible. Sharon (01:43): And then a murmur grew as other people were noting the fact that our engine was on fire. So the pilot came on the loudspeaker and confirmed, yes, we have three engines that are working. And one that is on fire. So fortunately for us, we were barely close enough to Shannon Airport to land. We landed not even on a normal runway, one of their older ones, because they wanted to get down as fast as they could obviously. So we got down and we all got off the plane and at 11, I mean, I knew it was serious, but I didn't know how serious. What made me cry was when, and I'll probably cry again cause I always do, was when the pilot and copilot walked off the plane and everybody broke into cheers. Nicole (02:35): Oh, I bet! Sharon (02:35): When I saw grownups crying, I thought, Oh, this was really serious. Nicole (02:41): Yeah, this could have been bad. Sharon (02:41): Right. So ironically and sadly, but weirdly we went back on the same plane. Nicole (02:47): Really! Sharon (02:47): I know. They changed out the engine and we flew the rest of the way to England. So that was interesting. But anyways, it worked fine, obviously. So, but my next, I have two scary plane stories. My next scary plane story is actually what's made plane flying easier for me because, well, I'll explain. It's another story of going to England; I went to England to visit my grandmother right before she died, actually, with my mom. We're com...