
  • The Personal Vocation | EP12 | Sr. Damien Marie Savino, FSE, PhD
    Jul 29 2024

    Too often people think that theology and science are as far apart as can be.

    Sr. Damien Marie Savino is a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist and a PhD Environmental Engineer.

    In our conversation, Sr. Damien Marie shares her faith journey, her appreciation for Laudatory Si, and explains that human flourishing and environmental flourishing go hand in hand with one another.

    If you're a woman discerning the Religious life and want to learn more about the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist take a moment to connect with them:


    Call 203-238-2400 or 203-237-8084

    Mail: Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
    405 Allen Ave. Meriden, CT 06451

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

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    50 min
  • The Personal Vocation | EP11 | Sr. Beata Victoria, SV
    Jul 22 2024

    The Sisters of Life are women who are in love with Love - Love incarnate, crucified, and Risen - and captivated by the truth of the beauty of every human person, created in God’s image and likeness.

    As a member of this order Sr. Beata Victoria has committed her life to this truth.

    Sr. Beata shares her journey towards the religious life, the work of the Sisters of Life, and gives insight into how we can all find ways to live out the life God has called us to.

    If you’re a woman discerning the religious life, take a look at their vocations information page: https://sistersoflife.org/vocations

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

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    52 min
  • The Personal Vocation | EP10 | Caitie Crowley
    Jul 15 2024

    Caitie Crowley is a twice published author, a professor, and a corporate communicator.

    She took time out of her busy schedule to share her faith journey, her work as an author, and how her faith grew as she recovered her ability to walk after a car collision.

    Here are two books that are great additions to your bookcase

    I Have a Friend in Heaven: https://www.caitiecrowley.com/ihaveafriendinheaven
    For bulk orders, please contact Caitie directly at caitiecrowley@gmail.com

    Stepping Up: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering Into Joy & Hope: https://www.caitiecrowley.com/stepping-up

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

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    49 min
  • The Personal Vocation | EP9 | Lucio Abbruzzese
    Jul 8 2024

    Between teaching religious studies to high school students and heading up the summer street patrol out of his parish, Lucio has found ways to live out his faith.

    His journey is a winding one filled with the miraculous, which he takes time to share with us.

    If you're in the Greater Toronto Area and are interested in being a part of the Summer Street Patrol, you can contact Lucio at inmylife@rogers.com

    What is Summer Street Patrol?

    Summer Street Patrol is a weekly volunteer program to feed the poor and homeless of downtown Toronto. The initiative, which was started by its organizer, Lucio Abbruzzese, in 1995 has run for over 25 years now out of St. Patrick's Parish in Toronto.

    A patrol would commonly consists of a group of 20 to 40 youth and adults. Volunteers of the now multi-parish effort meet each Wednesday evening on the church steps of St. Patrick's during the months of July and August, bringing with them food and care packages for distribution.

    The volunteers would first gather for a brief orientation before breaking off in teams for the patrol. They head out to walk through the downtown core to distribute the goods to the homeless, searching for those who could use a meal and a smile.Each patrol could last from 2-3 hours.

    To see the street patrol in action, check out the Salt and Light segment that @saltandlightmedia made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a93_IZyTrc

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

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    1 h et 8 min
  • The Personal Vocation | EP8 | Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal Thomas Collins
    Jul 1 2024

    Although Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal Thomas Collins is retired he continues to be busy helping to shape the next generation of priests all the while continuing to deepen his own faith.

    He shares a bit about his early faith formation, speaks on how priests are formed, and shares the joy of faith.

    To learn more about his life beyond this interview be sure to watch the @SaltandLightMedia documentary, A Shepard and his Flock: A Cardinal Collins Tribute.

    To experience Lectio Divina with Cardinal Collins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC34STJU07U&list=PLgoAlsvvzIyVM_edSUXERz2nPiUHwxmzh

    If you feel called to the priesthood, or know someone that is considering it, but have not taken the first step reach out, here are the details for the formation office.They will be happy to chat with you.



    A journey towards priesthood begins with a prayer followed by many little steps in faith.

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

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    1 h et 5 min
  • The Personal Vocation | EP7 | Rev. Scott Birchall
    Jun 24 2024

    Rev. Scott Birchall holds many positions at St. Augustine's Seminary. He is the Director of Discipleship Stage, Director of Pastoral Formation, and the Director of Field Education.

    He took some time out of this very busy schedule to share his journey faith, what it's like helping men become priests, and tidbits we can all use in our journey in faith.

    If you feel called to the priesthood, or know someone that is considering it, but have not taken the first step reach out, here are the details for the formation office.They will be happy to chat with you.



    A journey towards priesthood begins with a prayer followed by many little steps in faith.

    "Little by little, one travels far."

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

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    41 min
  • The Personal Vocation | EP6 | Nate Tinner-Williams
    Jun 17 2024

    Nate Tenner-Williams is the Co-Founder and Editor of The Black Catholic Messenger. Inspired by Daniel Rudd, The Black Catholic Messenger aims to bring a perspective not generally featured in mainstream Catholic media, but being wholly Catholic all while creating a space for Black Catholic voices.

    To support the Black Catholic Messenger go to www.blackcatholicmessenger.org/donate

    When not writing, Nate continue to discern his Priestly vocation.

    Between writing and discernment, Nate carved out a bit of time to chat and share his faith journey.

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

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    41 min
  • The Personal Vocation | EP5 | Antony Barone Kolenc
    Jun 10 2024

    Antony is a Professor at Ave Maria School of Law and is a highly decorated author of fiction and non-fiction. His notable works include The Harwood Mysteries, and his latest stand-alone mystery, Penny and the Stolen Chalice.

    When not writing he also hosts an ecumenical radio show and podcast called Shepherd's Pie: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-shepherds-pie/id1584887064

    He took a bit of time out of his busy schedule to talk about his journey through law, literature, and life.

    To learn more about Antony, and to purchase his books, head to antonykolenc.com

    To learn more about the Catholic Writers Guild, head to catholicwritersguild.org

    The Personal Vocation explores how Catholics from all walks of life journey with their faith and find their own unique way to live it out through their life and work.

    The hope is to inspire other Catholics to cultivate their faith and live out the mission God has for them.

    To watch the video: https://youtu.be/NzMZVhx0Ueo

    Follow us on instagram @ThePersonalVocation
    Subscribe on YouTube www.youtube.com/@thepersonalvocation

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min