
  • Episode 23 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 23 2007

    -In this episode: Nake and Paola find the pleasures of the foam chamber have become more sinister than delightful. The travelers reunite in their efforts to solve the problems on board the Revisionist ship, and Paola must come to a decision concerning her father's leg

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    33 min
  • Episode 22 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 22 2007

    -In this episode: Terri, Stefan and Joely try to find out why things are going wrong on board the Felicia. Meanwhile Anna Beltane has bad news for Paola, who seeks consolation with Nake.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    42 min
  • Episode 21 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 21 2007

    -In this episode: Paola discovers all is not well back on the Felicia, and likewise Joely Jordan's grand tour of the Revisionist Mothership is not turning out as Terri and Stefan had hoped.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Episode 20 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 20 2007

    -In this episode: The Karly-Karkov, once again replete with passengers, resumes its course for the Revisionist Mothership, while Gaarder Grundt's motives remain inscrutable.

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    32 min
  • Episode 19 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 19 2007

    -In this episode: Paola's ordeal culminates in a violent intervention, and Paola herself carries out her own violent retribution. Meanwhile Joely Jordan regrets yet again her association with Gaarder Grundt.

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    36 min
  • Episode 18 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 18 2007

    -In this episode: Terri has had a foreboding dream, which proves to be prescient when she finds that she and Stefan are locked in the Karly's hold. Nake, too, is prevented from coming to Paola's aid when she - and her ship - succumb to malevolent influence.

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    50 min
  • Episode 17 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 17 2007

    -In this episode: The Karly-Karkov is yet again severely overcrowded, and now conditions are even worse. Meanwhile Gaarder Grundt seems to have unpleasant plans for Joely.

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    40 min
  • Episode 16 - The Plitone Revisionist
    Apr 16 2007

    -In this episode: An attempted escape doesn't go as planned, leaving a nasty stain for Mr. Zee to contemplate.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min