
  • What Would You Do Differently?
    Nov 20 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ What Would You Do Differently? This week’s episode comes with a little trigger warning, talking about themes of death so if that’s sensitive for you right now then come back to this when you feel ready. It can be hard to talk about, and sometimes feel a bit morbid, to think about our own or loved ones' mortality but I feel like this is an important conversation to have, and a perspective to potentially live by that can actually lead to some really positive changes. And I know that’s what you want for yourself, because you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. As you’ll know by now I’m a big believer in sharing things that impact you and the way you think, in case it can have the same impact on someone else and might make a big difference to their day, week, month, life…you get the idea. So let’s start with a little context for why I'm talking about this today. Full credit goes to a friend of mine who I caught up with this last week. Someone who played an unexpectedly big role in my own healing this summer for which I'm hugely grateful for. We were just catching up and talking about all the big things still going on in my personal life and big decisions I still have to make and he just said to me, ‘Can I give you some advice? Just be happy. Do what makes you happy. Tomorrow isn’t promised.’ Now, him saying tomorrow isn’t promised isn’t new, he already thinks that way. But it hit particularly hard because his best friend had recently been killed suddenly in a road accident. Sometimes things happen, to you or other people, that just put things into perspective. Context matters. He also said that he’s not even thinking about the future right now and just living in the moment and taking every day as it comes, which is an easy thing to talk about, a lot of people do. To the point the message gets lost I think. But again, I think it hits different within the context of the words and the situation they’re said in. If you really lived like that, knowing that you might not get tomorrow and to totally be in the moment, even if it was just for a day, what would you do differently? How might you think differently? What would you just drop because you realise it’s just not important. What would you let go? What decisions would you make? What would you make sure you did? What would you want to experience? Who would you reach out to? What would you say? How might you throw caution to the wind? What would make you feel like you’re really living, not just existing? Pay attention to your first answers to these questions, they’ll tell you a lot. Maybe pause, grab your journal and write them down. How different might it feel to live by that? Perspective really is a wonderful thing. The other side to this conversation I think was also important. How can you channel the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that come from something negative, into something positive? I’ve talked a huge amount about this before, the idea that some of the worst things that happen to you can lead to positive things if you allow them to. It doesn’t take away the pain but it channels it into something good. Something that you can be proud of. I always find huge comfort in that way of thinking and I've not been proved wrong yet. Amazing things have always come out of my worst moments. Always. He then told me that he’s been looking after his friend’s son and he’s going to be running a marathon with him to raise money for him to get a bench installed for his Dad so he ...
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    10 min
  • Adulting 101
    Nov 13 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ Adulting 101 I’m always talking about how the things I love to teach most I consider ‘humaning 101’. But I want to talk about the elephant in the room that comes along with that. And that is, ‘Adulting 101’. Why? Because in one week I had a total of 7 people say the same words to me. ‘I really thought I’d have my sh1t together by now’. These people, some of my favourites, beating themselves up because for some reason they believe that by a certain age we’re supposed to have everything clicked into place and know what we’re doing. And in all honesty, nothing could be further from the truth. I saw a quote that I loved recently and I'm sorry I can’t give credit to the original creator because I can’t find it but it was ‘I used to think adulthood was one crisis after another. I was wrong. Multiple crises. Concurrently. All at once. All the time. Forever.’ Yes it made me lol but I actually think this can spark a really important conversation. I’ve said it 1000 times that so much of ‘the work’ is simply learning how to deal with the inevitable stuff that life throws at you, and how reframing each of those things as growth opportunities can hugely help. To live a happy and fulfilling life we MUST let go of the notion that that is what life is supposed to feel like all of the time. It’s just not. So much of the healing work is about breaking the patterns of historic triggers, recalibrating and rewiring neural pathways and your nervous system and constantly creating a new baseline of safety in your body and increasing your window of tolerance. Literally increasing your capacity to cope with what life throws at you. Life IS going to throw things at you. You ARE going to be tested. I believe that learning to not see challenges as big, bad, scary things but things that we breathe through and grow through. I’m so grateful for the work I do and the knowledge I have around how to do this because it genuinely is easier than most people think, which is why I'm always hammering home to go back to basics and prioritise the basics. I’m definitely not saying it’s always easy, especially at the beginning, but it is simple. Learn to regulate your emotions and your nervous system and your life WILL get better, easier, happier, more calm. That’s what I believe our priority is when we’re talking about ‘adulting’. It makes all the difference. Think about the level of responsibilities that grow as we get older. You might have kids, elderly parents, friends or family who are unwell or struggling, mortgages, our own health and wellbeing, job security…or lack thereof. The list really is endless. And because life crises really don’t tend to follow a predictable or linear pattern it can sometimes feel like it’s one thing after another. We also love to attach our age to this. Like I said, 7 different people uttered the words ‘I thought I’d have my sh1t together by now.’ That’s just a big fat lie. We think as kids that the adults in our lives have it all together. It’s interesting to consciously look back, or have the conversation with parents or grandparents and ask their perspective on where they were at your age. You might be very surprised at the answers you get. This is one of the things I've actually loved as an adult. The dynamic can shift with your parents and you can have totally different conversations and ask the hard questions. If you feel like you can, I wholeheartedly recommend doing it, it can be incredibly cathartic. So, from my ...
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    12 min
  • How To Make Friends As An Adult
    Nov 6 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ How To Make Friends As An Adult I wanted to follow on from last week's episode around how to navigate friendship break ups as an adult with how to make some new ones! I know a lot of people struggle with this, for some reason it can just feel harder as an adult. For all the introverts and enneagram 5’s out there going nooooooo I don’t want MORE people to deal with, sorry not sorry! Humans are social creatures, we seek to belong somewhere. That can look totally different for different people. It could be that one person you know has your back, it could be sharing interests, family, community etc. Our growth and development lies in our interaction with others. A huge way we heal is relationally. We can co-regulate with other people. Our emotions are contagious. Friendships form a hugely important factor in that. There are countless studies on the positive effect of friendships on depression, our health and well-being. Many people refer to their friends as ‘chosen family’. But how do you do find them as an adult? Some obvious ways to find some new friends is through work. Remote working has caused a fair few issues in this respect because it’s hugely difficult to form bonds with people if you’re on your own most of the time. Companies have recognised this and are adapting with many moving to a hybrid model and essential days in the office. But if you work for yourself it’s even more important to make sure you’re doing what you can to connect with like minded people. This is where networking events come into play. It can be incredibly lonely running your own business so the first thing I did was make sure I was always meeting new people and I've made friends for life through it. There’s something magical about just being around people who think in a similar way to you and want to achieve similar things that makes everything easier and faster. You will not be surprised when I say that having a good level of self awareness is really going to help you with making new friends as an adult. Having a clear understanding of your own boundaries, interests, priorities, values, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what’s important to you etc. What would you love to learn or do more of? This is all so important in being able to understand your own behaviour within a new friendship and also who might be good or…less good for you. Embrace new hobbies and interests and don’t fear being really bad at new things…because let’s be honest, you probably will be! It’s really important to maintain a growth mindset when it comes to doing new things, you’re not supposed to be great at it straight away, you’re there to learn with other people in the same position. Allow yourself to see the humour in it, or surprise yourself if you’re a natural, win win! One thing you definitely will need to do is put in the effort. It will not just come to you. So once you’ve done the self exploration I just mentioned, have a look locally for classes and events and GO! You will not be the only one on your own there and it’s always a nice talking point to find someone else in the same position. Say yes more, when you have the capacity to. A lot of friendships form through friends of friends. What’s the worst case scenario, you say yes to something, go, don’t enjoy it and leave? The likelihood is that if someone is friends with your friends, you might have some things in common. Perhaps you might want to consider volunteering for a cause that’s important to you. Get yourself on ...
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    13 min
  • How To Navigate Friendship 'Break-Ups' As An Adult
    Oct 30 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ Navigating Friendship ‘Break-Ups’ as an adult Friendship brak-ups are a natural part of life. But no one really talks about the intense pain that they can cause. Friendships come and go. One minute you think someone is your ‘ride-or-die’ and then something shifts. At the end of the day, life happens. Sometimes life happens and it creates a seismic shift in who we are. It’s natural. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t painful. Sometimes even more painful than romantic break-ups, so it deserves a little attention because I know a lot of people are navigating these sorts of things at the moment. I certainly have over the last year or so. So, why do friendship break-ups happen? Sometimes it might be a betrayal, a move away, a lifestyle change. Fundamentally it tends to come down to one thing. Different core values. Our core values shift and change throughout our lives as we go through experiences and learn lessons. It’s not to say it’s for worse or for better but they definitely shift so it’s always a good idea to keep coming back to your analysis of them and being really clear. The more clear you are on your core values, the easier you’ll find many situations to navigate because you’ll really understand why something feels off or awful. You’ll understand why you might value a brand new friendship more than someone who has been there your whole life. As we age and grow these things change and we also get less ok with tolerating someone pushing our boundary or value buttons. A lot of the time when we form friendships, particularly when we’re younger, it’s because people live near us and like doing the same things as us. It might be a shared sense of humour, interests, a number of things. When we get older it shifts to how we behave. What we value. Do we fundamentally behave in ways that we value, to ourselves and others? When you want to change something about your life, it might be eating healthier or getting fitter, or starting a business or becoming a parent for example, the best thing you can do is to get around people who want the same things as you. Or already have the things you want. People who fundamentally share and understand where you’re at. But how do you know if it’s time to let go? The biggest way is to be really mindful and conscious of how you feel around this friend. Do they add or subtract positive things in your life? Do you feel judged or unimportant? Name what you feel. I think as you get older and your priorities shift you realise that you simply don’t want to be around people who don’t add value to your life. You’re too busy for starters! It’s like taking a Marie Kondo attitude to the emotional side of your life. Does this person spark joy? At the end of the day, if you value reliability, consistency, contact and you have a friend who delivers precisely the opposite of that then you’re signing yourself up for constantly feeling let down and hurt. It’s not that one or other of you is technically ‘in the wrong’ but you have a difference in your value system. No right or wrong, just a mismatch at this time in your life. It’s worth noting that friendships that end for whatever reason, doesn’t always mean it’s forever. I’ve had plenty of friendships where we’ve drifted apart, sometimes more dramatically than others, and come back together a few years later when we were more aligned again in terms of our values. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Listen, listen, listen. SO many things can be sorted ...
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    12 min
  • What Is SAD, And How To Handle It
    Oct 23 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ What Is SAD And How To Handle It As we’re getting deep into cosy season now in the UK I wanted to talk about something that I personally think is really important to be aware of. And that is SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is where when the cosy season and dark mornings and nights draw in, a lot of people can feel like they’re in a big old funk and have no idea why. So what is SAD and how can we deal with it? Please bear in mind I’m not talking here as a medical professional but from my own experience and understanding of what boosts mood. So as always please do your own research and talk to your GP if you have any worries or concerns. Seasonal Affective Disorder, otherwise known as the ‘winter blues’ or SAD, is essentially a type of depression and low mood that is affected by the seasons and changes in daylight hours. And, according to the NHS, over 2 million people suffer with it in the UK alone. It can leave you feeling withdrawn and unmotivated. Like you don’t want to do anything, go anywhere or see anyone. It can be harder to stick to your routines. You might feel you need to sleep more and crave and comfort eat those carbs more. You might feel lethargic, general low energy, low sex drive, increased anxiety. It often leads to us doing more of the very things that we know don’t make us feel good, and less of the things that do, so you can get into a little bit of a vicious cycle with it all. Which is definitely not pleasant all round. The reason I wanted to highlight it is because you might be sitting there wondering what the hell is wrong and why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling and beating yourself up for it when you might not be able to put a finger on a reason. And we don’t want that because it really doesn’t have to be that way. My firm belief is that often an understanding of where these kinds of thoughts and feelings are coming from, and what’s really happening in your brain and body, can really dissipate the control and affect that they can have. You know I'm all about that sweet sweet awareness! For good reason. It’s not all doom and gloom, there are lots of things that you can do to ease it and take back some of the control for yourself. You won’t be surprised but funnily enough, selfcare is even MORE important in these seasons if you’re struggling with SAD. Consciously making sure you’re catching yourself in the moments where you’re about to do something that you KNOW makes you feel worse and consciously doing more of the things that make you feel good. I think of it as bubble bath season. I know baths are absolutely cliche when it comes to talking about self care but they really are my ‘thing’. Put me in a bath or a hot tub and I am happy as Larry. Calm, zen, at peace, doing my breathing exercises. You will not see me for at least 2 hours and trust me when I say I’m going to be using all the fancy oils and products. Exercise is always going to be a winner when it comes to low mood. Movement of any kind within your own capabilities is absolutely fine. We all have our own limits to work with. It’s about finding any possible ways around them that you can. If exercise isn’t possible for you for whatever reason it’s so worth talking to a professional about what might be possible for you. Watching what you eat. It’s comfort food season and I'm definitely not a subscriber these days to any kind of deprivation and saying one thing is allowed and another isn’t or is ‘naughty’ or you ‘shouldn’t’ have something....
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    17 min
  • What To Do When You Don't Know What To Say
    Oct 16 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Say What do you do when you just don’t know what to say? Let’s be honest, there’s a huge amount going on in the world that is beyond hideous and a lot of people have no idea what to say. The fear around getting it wrong and upsetting someone, or being called out, can be incredibly strong and uncomfortable. This can happen in all areas of life, when something big happens, when someone gives you bad news, when someone tells you about a big health issue, a breakup, when someone is navigating any kind of loss, so many situations that can leave you speechless or on wobbly footing in terms of how to handle it or what to say. So I thought it would be helpful to do a little dive into how to handle it. First things first, and something that should be obvious but often isn’t. It’s totally ok for you to literally say ‘I don’t know what to say, I'm lost for words.’ You don’t have to, and aren’t supposed to have the answers all the time. You’re allowed to not! So give yourself a break and allow yourself a little space to be vulnerable and honest. Most people appreciate and respect that. Pay attention to what’s going on in your body. It’s really common for people to feel anxiety in moments where they don’t know what to say. If you notice that coming up for you this is a great moment for you to do a quick breathing exercise before you choose to respond if you have the option to do so, so if you’re replying over text for example. You can use the 4-7-8-3 technique, in through the nose for 4, hold for 7, out through the mouth for 8 and repeat 3 times. You can use heart math, around 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out, slower and deeper than you normally would. If you don’t have a minute or two to do this there are plenty of techniques you can use in the moment. Simply take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Then respond. Deep belly breaths through your conversation will also be incredibly helpful. This will help you be in the right part of your brain to be able to provide the best response. The stress response will put you into a state of fight or flight and take away your rational thinking processes, which is not what you need. Using your breath to get you back into a parasympathetic state will allow you to access your prefrontal cortex, which you need for rational, conscious thinking. It will also allow you to be more present. It’s important to remember, sometimes no words are actually needed. You can simply give someone a hug! You can even ask someone what they need or how they would like to be supported. Sometimes people aren’t looking for words of advice or anything to make them feel better, sometimes that’s just not possible and we must recognise a need to jump into ‘fix it’ mode when sometimes there are impossible situations where nothing can be said in the moment to ease the pain or tension. So simply saying something like, ‘I’m here for you, whatever you need’ or ‘What do you need right now?’ Even just doing things for someone who is struggling to ease the mental load. It can be tricky, or not appropriate, sometimes to ask someone what they need, sometimes they’re totally overwhelmed and they don’t have the words to say how you can help. Only you can judge the situation. Sometimes jumping into action without words is what’s needed. Making someone some meals so they don’t have to think about it. Tidying or cleaning the house for them. Running errands or picking up the kids. ...
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    10 min
  • The Art Of Surrender
    Oct 9 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ The Art Of Surrender This is a little bit of a follow on from last week's episode about the identity death and rebirth process of change, so if you haven’t listened to that episode yet I suggest you start there. When we’re talking about any kinds of changes and identity shifts in any way we need to learn to let things go. We need to learn to be in those moments of uncertainty and essentially, surrender to the process. So this is all about the art of surrender. This is something it took me a while to truly learn. I’m an enneagram 6 so naturally I'm quite the planner. I’ve always liked to look at all potential outcomes with a tendency to veer towards the worst case scenario. So this is a valuable skill to learn because that’s no fun. It makes everything feel harder, like you’re swimming against the tide or pushing water uphill. It’s recognising that trying to control everything is a protection mechanism. It FEELS safer BUT there’s a LOT more mental suffering involved than there needs to be. It’s about literally stopping fighting with yourself and the process. Learning to handle all the things that can make it more difficult. So we’re talking about releasing the need for control.It’s about allowing, not controlling or forcing. Even when you say those, which feels easier and more enjoyable? How many times have you suffered in your own head about a potential or worst case scenario and the reality was far better. That has its merits at times for sure and is certainly where I've spent most of my life. BUT, what if you can have the same outcome WITHOUT the suffering in your own head first? That would be better, right? So it’s learning to trust that whatever the outcome you WILL be ok. This is something I really live by. I have ‘everything happens for a reason’ tattooed on me in latin. Many people cringe at that phrase, and I get it. For me it really is a life philosophy and my interpretation of it really is how I've learned to surrender. It’s not my natural state of being by any stretch of the imagination. But my solid belief is that whatever happens to me (or FOR me, wink, wink, nudge, nudge) no matter how awful it feels at the time. I completely trust that something good will eventually come from it. Even if it takes time. I know in my bones that eventually I will be looking back and saying, that was awful, but if it hadn’t happened I wouldn’t be who and where I am now. It’s a solid belief system for me. I got there by looking at the evidence across my whole life. It’s ALWAYS been true. Even the darkest of things has had a positive outcome or lesson that I'm grateful for eventually. When you have that, you don’t feel the need to control as much and do the all important process of not having an attachment to the outcome. It’s hugely freeing. It’s another reason why I call it growing pains. It doesn’t stop it being painful at the time. All change is painful, like I said last week, we’re fighting against our unconscious programming and our nervous system’s idea of what’s SAFE. So it’s going to be uncomfortable. There are a few other things you can do to lean into the art of surrender. Firstly, you really have to know what it is you’re working towards or moving away from. Knowing what that looks like and at the same time being open to it being a bit different, better even. How many times have you heard someone say ‘it’s even better than I could have imagined’? Be open to a few potential nice surprises along the way. ‘This or ...
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    13 min
  • The Identity Death And Rebirth Process of Change
    Oct 2 2023
    Show note links: Download The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Go grab your £20 or $25 discount on your Sensate device: https://www.getsensate.com/fran Freebies: Grab your FREE ‘Stressed To Success’ meditation: https://franexcell.com/stressed-to-success Download your guide for How to journal, for the non ‘dear-diary’ type! https://franexcell.com/journaling-101 Grab your free Procrastination Buster workbook https://franexcell.com/procrastination-buster Find out YOUR Enneagram type:https://franexcell.com/introduction-to-the-enneagram Ways to work with me: Join The Positive Pants Toolkit App for just £9.99 per month https://franexcell.com/positive-pants-toolkit-app Enneagram Essentials 90 minute 1:1 & Guide book https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2b6wubgnysrp For corporate coaching, training and workshops email hello@franexcell.com Products: Grab Your 365 day Gratitude Journal on Amazon:https://bit.ly/365daygratitude Grab Your Positive Pants Firmly On Notebook:https://bit.ly/positivepantsonbook Contact: Make sure you’re following me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/imfranexcell/ and tag me into your key takeaways! Email me at hello@franexcell.com with any questions or take aways! For more, head over to: www.franexcell.com/ The Identity Death And Rebirth Process of Change I want to have a chat with you today about the rollercoaster that is the identity death and rebirth that you experience during any big changes and transformation work. It’s worth talking about for so many reasons, including that it hugely helps you understand certain thoughts and feelings that are highly likely to come up for you. It also helps in understanding why it can sometimes feel so tough and even when we really want to change something and why we might procrastinate and avoid it and feel like we’re in a constant battle with ourselves. We have to start by being honest that any big change is normally a total identity shift. Sometimes referred to as an ‘ego death’. The ego is literally the sense of self and what protects that sense of self. It’s a huge part of the work of Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s journey. It’s your very own little hero’s journey, and we all know how they tend to pan out. Usually these ego deaths are absolutely for the better, but it involves you going against your current unconscious wiring and programming which funnily enough, registers as a life or death situation to your nervous system and your ego to get to the other side. The rebirth or awakening if you will. So whatever change you’re currently in, whether it’s a new career, a new business, navigating loss of any kind, weight changes, all the various phases of parenthood, anything. You’re going to bump up against a few things along the way. Trust the process and trust that it’s leading you to where you’re meant to be and somewhere where you’re even more ‘you’. It’s stripping back the layers of the onion to get back to who you really are at your core. And it can sting!! Please get all the support you need too, you don’t have to go it alone. That support might look like a friend, a coach, a mentor, therapist or body worker. They will absolutely speed up the process and turbo charge your growth. I’ve had so many identity deaths and rebirths in my life and I think it’s a nice exercise to recognise these and write them down as a reminder of how strong and capable you are. A reminder of what you learned in the process. A reminder that you’ve overcome every single one of your worst days. Everything is temporary and evolves and that’s a GOOD thing but something that many of us fear immensely because it’s uncertain and unknown. My previous identities feel so foreign and unrecognisable to me now, I don’t identify with them in the slightest but I have 100% love, gratitude and compassion for every single one of those parts and previous versions of me. Your identity is wholly tied up in your unconscious programming, your upbringing, values and beliefs you hold about yourself and the world. A lot of it is around the boxes you put yourself into. The experiences you’ve had. The job you have. The level you’re at. The salary you earn. The place you live. The people in your life. The relationships you have. Pay attention to when you make ‘I am’ statements and how you label yourself. All of this combines to create our identity and who we believe we are. Now, when we’re going through a death and rebirth of ourselves there are certain stages you might find yourself in, which even if they’re not so fun, you can recognise as progress in absolutely the right direction. One thing that frequently comes up is questioning EVERYTHING about who you are and what you believe. ‘Who am I if i’m not...
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    13 min