
  • Reclaim your personal power by changing your goals - 24.07.19
    Aug 19 2024

    Reclaim your personal power by changing your goals - 24.07.19

    Set your goals to be big and not dependent on what other people do, but on who you become. For example, don't set your goal to be - I will make $10k next month from my business, but instead set it to be, I will become the person that will inspire people around me and create beautiful relationships.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


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    11 min
  • If you want to help people, don't help them with advice, love them as they are instead - 24.07.18
    Jul 18 2024

    If you want to help people, don't help them with advice, love them as they are instead - 24.07.18

    Hi everyone, in this video I want to dive deep into the concept of advice giving and its deeper implications. Recently, I've been reflecting on the principles of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program, which emphasizes the importance of love and connection over direct advice. The program suggests that many addictions stem from a lack of love and connection, and addressing these root causes can help us overcome our dependencies.

    I want to share some personal reflections on trying to help a friend by giving advice. I realized that my motivation was mixed with ego and a desire for validation. The most effective way to help others is not through unsolicited advice but through non-judgmental love and support.

    By removing internal judgments and simply being present with love, I found that people felt more at ease and open. True help comes from being empathetic and loving, rather than trying to fix or advise. I wish for all of you to embody this non-judgmental love in your interactions, fostering genuine connections and personal growth.

    Remember, the best way to help someone is to love them, not to try to fix them. Let's be there for each other with open hearts and minds.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


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    11 min
  • Surrender and be happy - 24.07.17
    Jul 17 2024

    Surrender and be happy - 24.07.17

    Hello everyone! In this video, I want to talk to you about the difficult yet essential act of surrender. It's challenging but necessary and incredibly beautifully life-giving.

    Rejection as Protection:

    • Rejection often serves as protection and can be a hidden blessing.
    • Personal experiences: Times when I faced rejection led to much better outcomes than I originally wanted. Have you ever desperately wanted something, only to be thankful later that you didn't get it? I have, and I'm grateful for those moments now.

    Stories of Faith:

    • A devoted follower was diagnosed with cancer, felt forsaken, but early detection saved his life.
    • Another devoted person faced cancer and surrendered completely to her faith, finding peace and gratitude, even in her final days.

    Trust and Faith:

    • The higher power catches us when we fall to build our faith.
    • The higher power gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.


    • Focus on gratitude daily to shift attention from negatives to positives.
    • Practical tips: Write down things you're grateful for, express gratitude when you wake up and before you go to bed. This helps you remember the good things that might otherwise slip through your fingers.

    So, as I wrap up, I wish you a day filled with personal growth, gratitude, and powerful surrender. Trust that life is supporting you, and you will find peace and joy in that trust. Thank you for watching, and remember to surrender and be happy.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


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    11 min
  • Raise your standards and have compassion for those who trigger you - 24.07.16
    Jul 17 2024

    Raise your standards and have compassion for those who trigger you - 24.07.16

    You have in your life what you decide you are okay with. Whatever you are not okay with, you will let flow away from your life. You do that all the time, but you do not see you are doing that at the edge of who you are. Raise your standards.

    Also, have compassion for those who are triggering you. They are going through their own journey and they may be mean to you because they are hurting. Even if you yourself are feeling triggered, wait for yourself to calm down and ask them what they are triggered about with you. Listen to them without justifying, if possible. Let them ask you why you got triggered and then reply. See your relationships completely transform.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


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    15 min
  • Emotional and addiction healing - 24.07.15
    Jul 16 2024

    Emotional and addiction healing - 24.07.15

    This is a deepening of the previous video about the brilliance of the AA program.

    The most basic need of any human being is to be loved and to love. I'm going to be so bold as to say that almost all human problems, fears, traumas, or what I call anarthas, come from this fear that I am not loved, and even more deeper, I am not lovable. Almost all anger, greed, envy, fear, resentment, comes from this fear.

    To alleviate our fears, we turn to all kinds of addictions, chasing love where it can not be found. We turn to alcohol addiction, drug addiction, love addiction, food addiction, TV addiction, phone addiction, and so on. To resolve these, here are 4 points to consider.

    1. Identify if you're addicted. How do we tell if we're addicted? By being able to walk away from the thing whenever we choose to. Do you have the freedom to walk away whenever you want?

    2. Understand that it stems from emotional insecurity. The AA program addresses it - there is no advice, only connection with the Supreme being, as well as with other human beings. There was an experiment on rats who chose morphine water over regular water when alone but regular water when in a community. What then to speak on such emotional beings as humans!

    3. Build a community where giving is encouraged. My recommendation is to find the nearest Isckon temple near you so you yourself can be engaged in any of a wide variety of services. Also, finding an appropriate AA program will help you.

    4. Advice can be very useful, but set a clear intention to find a way to give advice without being attached to whether the person accepts it or not, otherwise it's about you needing validation, not about them. Like - I think this resource will be useful to you, feel free to take it if and when you need it. And then let it percolate into them so they take it if and when they want to.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


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    16 min
  • The brilliance of the AA 12 step program - no advice, addresses the root cause! 24.07.12
    Jul 12 2024

    The brilliance of the AA 12 step program - no advice, addresses the root cause! 24.07.12

    The most basic need of any human being is to be loved and to love. I'm going to be so bold as to say that almost all human problems, fears, traumas, or what I call anarthas, come from this fear that I am not loved, and even more deeper, I am not lovable. Almost all anger, greed, envy, fear, resentment, comes from this fear.

    To alleviate our fears, we turn to all kinds of addictions, chasing love where it can not be found. We turn to alcohol addiction, drug addiction, love addiction, food addiction, TV addiction, phone addiction, and so on.

    The 12 step program does not give a single piece of advice along the lines of - don't drive by bars, don't hang out with people who drink, none of it. It addresses the very root cause directly. Build your relationship with God. And take support from other people within the program who are also eager to heal. Build your relationship with other human beings, and ultimately and primarily, with God. While talking to other human beings, refrain from giving advice, just be there for people, make them feel seen and heard, and be seen and heard yourself. Brilliant!

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


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    19 min
  • Dwell on the problem - 24.07.11
    Jul 11 2024

    Dwell on the problem - 24.07.11

    Dwell on the problem a lot more time than you may be used to, and admit that you have a problem and that you need help to fix it.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


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    12 min
  • Give people what they ask for, not what you think they need - 24.07.10
    Jul 10 2024

    Give people what they ask for, not what you think they need - 24.07.10

    We may feel like jumping in and giving advice because we feel that we know the solution to people's problems. But what works wonders for people is simply being listened to, being heard, and knowing that the person is there for us no matter what. Listen reflectively, mirror back to them what they are saying. Even if they are angry, instead of reacting to it, just say, so what I'm understanding is that you're upset with me because I ask for too much of your time and attention. And leave it at that. So they feel understood in their frustration. Be present - simply being there for someone can be much more powerful than giving advice.

    This is my youtube channel link if you want to see the video version.


    This is my page to sign up for coaching.


    Voir plus Voir moins
    9 min