In this Episode Dr. Day talks over how Spiritual, Physical and Mental rest can help us heal as well as any food, supplement or exercise.
Many overlook this area of their health because it is actually harder to implement.
Dr. Day discusses his history of digging into God's promises for a light and easy yoke and how he began to heal from years of mental and emotional toil from trauma, sickness and pain.
Learn quick and easy ways to begin to Rest in your everyday life. You don't have to be on vacation or in a perfectly peaceful place to rest.
Learn how our Nervous systems are wired to rest by way of our Parasympathetic nervous system and how we can use prayer, our meals, and movement to find more rest.
Neuroplasticity and prayer: Our brains change and heal as we take time to pray and rest.
Cravings and Rest. Learn that the foods you crave may be because you don't rest your mind and body and so stress hormones up-regulate cravings.
Learn about "Hammock Moments" a title Dr. Day coined in his Restoration Plan to get patients to plan out their rest and set their focus on their goals
Learn how Manual Therapy and Chiropractic can turn on more "Hammock" in our bodies and help us heal from emotional hurts and pains that are stored in our body.
And so much more!
If you'd like to learn more about dr. Day you can find him at
Instagram: @drmichaelday