In this interview, veteran Geriatrician Jomarie Zeleznik, M.D. openly and sincerely talks about the practice of geriatric medicine.
We talk about what inspired her to pursue geriatric medicine, later to homebound persons, what it takes to pursue a geriatric specialty, and what keeps her in practice.
She also does not shy away from difficult topics, from the frustrations with long term managed care, with providing quality care to people in our current health system, the challenges faced by caretakers and family and her enlightening and profound view of what "end of life" truly means to her.
Her enthusiasm for her profession and her patients is palpable.
If you are caregiver, or have an older parent or are an older person yourself, this interview offers a wonderful overview to not only the practice of geriatric medicine but also to what everyone should know about aging and medical care.