We’ve all seen them, haven’t we? Those parents who care WAY too much about how their child is doing in sports. They take out a second mortgage and blow through their family’s savings just to keep their kid on select/travel teams. They yell at the refs, the coach, and their kid. You would think their entire self-worth hinged on whether their child plays well and wins the game…hmmm. I wonder… Listen in this week as Josh and Jimmy get the signal, step up to the plate, and discuss The Push. Parents and sports. Play ball!!
Warning Signs of The Push
- Parent getting their own need for self-worth through their child’s sport performance.
- Year-round, non-stop sports. One long, never ending season
- Year-round specialization. Tommy John surgery for high schoolers.
- All other aspect of family life takes a back seat
- Do you care more than your child who is actually playing the sport?
- ****Anger at child’s performance****
Solution for the Push:
- Define Success
- Let the child lead. Brad McCoy
- Teach your child to try hard, work hard, practice hard, and play hard. Col. 3:23, “All like doing it for Christ.”
Dr. Jimmy Myers on Twitter: @docjimmymyers, Instagram: @jmyersfam, and Facebook: @docjimmymyers
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