It's time for another episode of Walkin' on the Wild Side! This time, we're chatting about good ol' Ricky Raccoon. These little mammals are probably one of the most recognizable mammals in North America and most people either love 'em or hate 'em! These little masked bandits are fun to watch and it's easy to be amazed at their ability to open almost any trashcan and figure out latches, locks, and gates. Of course, this is also the reason why many get so frustrated with the little masked bandits! Join Marvin and Gabrielle for a fun chat to learn more about these amazing critters and maybe even appreciate them a little, even though they can be frustratingly clever!
**We apologize for the quality of this episode and the slight "echo-y" sound.**
Here's a few websites for more information:
More about the raccoon's hands:
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