
  • Red With Envy.
    Apr 15 2021

    Yes, we know the saying is green with envy, but we are all about red here at The RLR.

    This episode is all about managing your jealousy in order to support others and their accomplishments.

    We have all been jealous before and probably all have reasons why others are jealous of us, but at the end of the day, how does the feeling of jealously add to your life. The answer is, it doesn't. 

    Being jealous, if anything, has a negative impact on your human experience.

    In this episode, we talk about our personal experience with jealousy and what we have done in order to transform that feeling into support for others.

    Hopefully, this episode shifts your perspective. 

    A big shout out to Brooke Alexx for allowing us to use her song  “Grace” in this podcast!

    Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast be notified when we release new episodes and follow @theredliprevolution on Instagram!

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    24 min
  • Crossing the Red Sea
    Apr 1 2021

    In honor of the Jewish holiday, Passover, we focus on our relationship with Judaism and how it has played a role in shaping our personal identities.  Passover celebrates the Jewish people's escape from slavery in Egypt. Even though times have changed for the better, there is still work to be done, seas to be crossed. 

    We start by learning more about Dr. Barbara’s background to understand her experience through her religion. We then discuss different Jewish stereotypes and how they have affected our relationships with our identities. 

    Although we can only speak to our own personal experiences, we hope this podcast helps you get a little closer to the religion.

    A big shout out to Brooke Alexx for allowing us to use her song  “Grace” in this podcast!

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    34 min
  • Re(a)d The Room.
    Mar 15 2021

    Although we are all different, we are all part of the human experience.

    In this episode, we talk about how, because we are all human, anything can happen to us. The only thing that we can do is hang on for the ride. That, and control how we react.

    Our conversation started off discussing our relationship with feminism and womanhood, it quickly shifted gears, and we went with it!

    "You can't control what's happening,  you can only control how you respond."

    Tune in to learn about: Being Confident in Your Wants, Controlling Your Reactions, Saying No, Active Listening, & Self-Therapy

    Follow us @theredliprevolution

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • Shade, but Make it Red.
    Feb 27 2021

    Welcome to The Red Lip Revolution! 

    In this episode, get to know Dr. Barbara Udell and Julia Paige in our first ever episode of The Red Lip Revolution. 

    In this episode, we will introduce ourselves, talk about how our grandmother/granddaughter relationship will influence the show, and tell you why we wanted to start a Podcast in the first place! 

    After getting a taste of who we are through our discussions about beauty, confidence, and aging, hopefully, you feel a little lighter. 

    If you smile once during the episode, our mission has been accomplished. 

    Grab a glass of your favorite Sauv, pucker up with your go-to shade of red, and get ready to leave an imprint on more than your glass. 

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    30 min