
  • Sacred Health Academy with Laurie Morse
    Mar 16 2024

    Join me in conversation with the Creative Director of Sacred Health Academy, Laurie Morse. We explore the dynamics that our creative selves have with healing ourselves. In our discussion, we discuss the heart and mind of healing and the steps to get us there.

    Laurie found that at one point her creative mind left to an assuming Oriental style and some of her work has been installed at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.

    To kick start your healing process, Laurie has a 5-day program called "Kick Start Your Energy in just 5 Days"

    To learn more about Laurie, check out the following links

    Website Laure Morse Art

    LinkedIn; Laurie Morse

    Facebook: Laurie Morse

    Instagram: Laurie Morse

    About the host

    LinkedIn: Randall McKeown


    Gonzalo Guerrero: Travel Insights with Randall McKeown

    South Africa 2022

    A September to Remember

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Sydney Events Things to Do with Kathryn Garcia
    Mar 16 2024

    Join me in conversation with Event Planner, Entrepreneur, and founder of Sydney Events Things To Do. In this podcast, we hear the journey of how Kathryn had to reinvent herself in midstream and has now turned a passion into a business.

    Here are links to

    Sydney Events Things to Do

    www.sydneyeventsthingstodo.com Kathryn Garcia, Event Planner www.kathryn-garcia.com

    Christian Single Events:

    https://christiansinglesevents.com.au Email: Kathryn Garcia
    Voir plus Voir moins
    13 min
  • Help with Grief with Desiree Doucet
    Mar 9 2024

    It is part of life and one thing that makes us human, Grief. Throughout one's life we will have to come face to face or as I like to say Mind and Heart as both feel the power of Grief. I am fortunate enough to have the incredible Desiree Doucet on our podcast today.

    Desiree Doucet is a Certified Professional Coach and a Certifed Grief Educator. Desiree has taken her experience and turned it a way of helping people through the process of Grief.

    We talk about how grief affects us all differently how some might be more open about their grief and how others may departmentalize and keep it locked away inside.

    We talk about not just being there to support on the day of service/celebration of life, but to keep in touch and remember to include them in everyday gatherings. Life does go on for the living. Don't be afraid of saying the wrong thing, saying nothing at all can be worse.

    How do children deal with grief and how can parents help them through the process? We get into that in this podcast.

    How to reach Desiree and here is a freebie "Understanding Grief: 12 Essential Insights

    Website: https://www.desireedoucet.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desiree.doucet

    Facebook Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/desireedoucetcoach

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/desireedoucet

    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • 10 Secsonds to Impress with Melissa Esmeralda
    Mar 2 2024

    Join me in conversation with a remarkable young woman who went from rugby pitch to pitching. A marketing master, Melissa helps clients with Websites, Email Marketing, Launch Copy and so much more.

    Melissa spent eight years as a paralegal and then life took a change. Trying to manage a job, attend University and play Rugby was difficult to balance. It was at that moment that Melissa decided she wanted to do something different.

    MEO Marketing Group was born and her business has grown. Testimonials tell of the connection that Melissa makes with her clients and the attention to detail that helps her clients succeed as well as herself.

    You can connect with Melissa:

    Website: MEO Marketing Group

    LinkedIn: Melissa Esmeralda

    Instagram: MEO Marketing Group

    Facebook: MEO Marketing Group

    About the Host

    LinkedIn : Randall McKeown

    If you would like to be a guest on the show, send an email to randall.mckeown@jlsetor.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • Love Lives Here with Naomie Thompson
    Feb 24 2024

    Join me in conversation with Naomie Thompson who struggled through her love issues to examine what was important to her in a partnership and what Naomie wanted. Naomie brings her skills to assist accomplished women over 40 who feel hopeless in love to attract incredible love.


    To find out more about Naomie, visit her website.

    LinkedIn Naomie Thompson

    Facebook Naomie Thompson

    Youtube Naomie Thompson

    Tik Tok Naomie Thompson

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • Live Your Dreams with Danielle Brazant
    Feb 24 2024

    Join me in conversation with Danielle as we discover her journey of triumph after tragedy. We have an open and honest conversation about her life, her dreams and overcoming a traumatic brain injury. 


    Danielle had to relearn everything, walking, talking, dressing, eating and those were difficult days and led her to some dark places. It was her father that pushed her and motivated her. Her brother found her job after her recovery and she has not looked back. 

    Danielle is a successful Insurance Broker, Author of "Maximizing Your Potential" and sought-after speaker. 

    More about Danielle

    Her Website "DanielleBrazant.com"

    Linkedin Danielle Brazant

    Twitter Danielle Brazant

    Facebook: Danielle Brazant


    Voir plus Voir moins
    35 min
  • The Magic of Life with Michael Gershe
    Feb 17 2024

    Join me in conversation today as we meet Michael Gershe, an Author, Speaker, Educator and most importantly a survivor. In the blink of an eye, Michael's life would change forever. On a drive home, a drunk driver t-boned the family and forced their car into a pole splitting it in half. 

    Micheal just 8 weeks old was in the front seat lying in a bassinet, his mother in the middle, his father driving and his brother sound asleep in the back seat.

    The family was extracted from the car and rushed to a hospital where Michael's mother succumbed to her injuries the next day. Micheal's father recovered and his brother did not suffer any injuries.  

    As for Michael, almost every bone in his body was broken or fractured and he had a skull fracture that went around the back of his head, from ear to ear. Micheal has made a full recovery. 

    Michael and his family moved from New York to Florida and both Michael and his brother became competitive swimmers. Michael went on to graduate from University, become a stand-up comic and a speaker presenting on the topic of impaired driving

    To learn more

    Michael Gershe

    LinkedIn: Michael Gershe

    Photography: Michael Gershe

    Book: The Magic of Life. A Sons story of Hope After Tragedy, Grief and a Speedo!

    Michael Gershe

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Debt is not the Enemy With Sarah Jones
    Feb 10 2024

    Join us in conversation with Sarah Jones as she talks to us about having to say "no" to spending $1 on her kids, two living life debt-free, twice. 

    Sarah is a Personal Financial Coach who works with her clients the key to financial freedom is communication and being open and not feeling like a bad person because you have too much debt. 

    Debt is not the enemy and credit is available for you to use to help you when in need. 


    Sarah Jones LinkedIn

    Sarah Jones Facebook

    Sarah Jones Instagram

    Sarah Jones Threads



    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min