
  • How To Handle Triggers 6 - The Indicators Of Truth
    Oct 15 2022

    How to handle triggers and be sure you handled them right. 

    Be sure you always follow the indicators of truth!

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    14 min
  • How To Handle Triggers 5 - Using De-Access Questions
    Oct 14 2022

    Have a set of questions to handle triggers, following the sequence:

    1. Notice when your client is triggered.

    2. Notice their physical manifestations.

    3. Handle them immediately !!!

    A great coach always notices when her client is triggered, a great coach always notices the physical manifestations and a great coach always handles the physical manifestations. This type of coach will always be in high demand!!!

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    19 min
  • How To Handle Triggers 4 - Noticing Physical Manifestations
    Oct 13 2022

    When you learn how to notice physical manifestations as they occur, you help yourself and others by:

    - Coach the client in front of you.

    - Notice the subtle as well as the obvious.

    - You can align your client anytime during the conversation.

    A master in handling physical manifestations will become a master of the physical universe!!!

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    19 min
  • How To Handle Triggers 3 - What Is A Trigger
    Oct 12 2022

    When you handle triggers as they occur, you help yourself and others by:

    - Being able to spot triggers just as they happen, handling what needs to be handled at that precise moment.

    - The ability to help your clients become aware of what actually is happening as they're talking.

    - Your client will be in present-time and not trapped in the past.

    If you master the ability of spotting and handling triggers your clients will really TRUST you. They will know with certainty that they can talk to you about anything at any time!

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    15 min
  • How To Handle Triggers 2 - Using The Eductive Cycle
    Oct 11 2022

    When you use the 3-step EDUCTIVE CYCLE, you help yourself and others by:

    - You have a proven method to use in conversations that work every time.

    - The more you practice it, the easier it becomes. Eventually, it'll be like breathing.

    - Harmoniously creating understanding with everyone around you being happy to talk with you.

    The result is always two people that can understand each other without obstacles on the communication.

    So next time you're coaching, make sure you use the EDUCTIVE CYCLE.

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    17 min
  • How To Handle Triggers 1 - Having The Ability To EDUCE
    Oct 10 2022

    When you EDUCE the answers from the clients and let them find their own solutions, you help them to:

    - They'll handle what they want to handle.

    - They'll find their own answers by themselves.

    - They'll be responsible for their choices.

    The result will be a happier client who feels understood and ready to be responsible for their lives.

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    13 min
  • Effective Communication Step 8 - Next Steps
    Oct 5 2022

    This is about YOU! Did you create a positive result based on what has just been discussed? Is it time to end the conversation or move on to a different subject?

    - Enhance your communication and replace upsets with friendly and pleasurable conversations.

    - The key ability - What to say, how to say it, and when to say it. If you have this ability, you can predict the outcome of every conversation.

    - A powerful frame of reference to see the signs of communication going well.

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    11 min
  • Effective Communication Step 7 - Making Others Feel Understood and Appreciated
    Oct 4 2022

    Always make others feel like they're the most important person in front of you.

    1. When a person feels understood, they should brighten up, be more cheerful and feel happy.

    2. Do not overrun the communication. When both parts are clear there is no need to keep going.

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    13 min