
  • What I Wish I'd Learned Sooner About Body Peace
    Aug 4 2022

    If you've been having - or have ever had - a bad body image day (or month), this episode is for you! Listen, beloved heart, you're not alone, I promise. Tune in for some encouragement and tips to find peace in your body, even if you feel like it's impossible for you! I'm getting super candid in today's episode as I share the way I find peace in my body, even when I'm feeling trapped or resentful about the way I look or feel in my physical form. 

    Book a Connection Call: https://coachingcompany3066.hbportal.co/schedule/5fd240c3c4b502006031f568

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    15 min
  • Special Episode: Rehearsing Self-Respect
    Jul 28 2022

    I'm daring to do something a little bit different for this week's episode of the podcast. I've recorded a guided visualization here for you - it's a mental rehearsal of Self-Respect and I really hope you are served by this special episode. Tune in - I'll explain everything on the inside. (wink!) Blessings, Babes! 

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    17 min
  • Shoulda-Woulda-Coulda!
    Jul 21 2022

    In this episode of the podcast, I'm hanging out a bit longer with some of the focal points that we dive deeper into when you join my small group program, UNSTOPPABLE! The Self-Worth Solution, and I am talking about *shoulds*!

    I have a theory:  that is that more often than not, there is a should between you and your desires, between you and self-acceptance, and between you and becoming UNSTOPPABLE!

    I've offering up some great tips and self-loving insights to help you to break free from the pattern of "should-ing" yourself into obligations and self-sacrifice that doesn't align with your values or the goals and hopes you have for yourself. 

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    14 min
  • Self-Acceptance for Strong Boundaries
    Jul 14 2022

    I'm back and sounding off for BOUNDARIES, once again!! The truth is, and I see evidence to prove this truth over and over again, boundaries are the key to living a life of fulfillment and meaning. On this episode, I'm sharing some significant ideas and tips that can help you to steer yourself toward a practice of self-acceptance that strengthens your boundaries in such a way that you'll be LIBERATED! FREE! to take up space in your life, to pursue your dreams and prioritize YOUR values, without apology. Your voice matters! You are enough!

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    18 min
  • The Biggest Lie About Being UNSTOPPABLE!
    Jun 16 2022

    There are countless ways that we've been encouraged to buy into the can't-stop-won't-stop mentality of hustle culture. We've been taught that overworking - overDOING - is the only way to earn our worth and prove our value - whether to others or to ourselves. 

    In this first of of a three-episode series featuring topics from the curriculum of my small group coaching program, I'm taking a step back and calling bulls**t! on the popular, but outmoded, interpretation of what it means to be unstoppable in our lives. 

    Find out more about UNSTOPPABLE! The Self-Worth Solution: https://www.nicoledeniselifebydesign.com/unstoppable

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    24 min
  • Answers for Permission-Seeking, Self-Doubt and Other Solutions
    Jun 9 2022

    Finally! Some Answers!! Yep! I'm dishing up some great truth that solves for some of the most painful ways we hold ourselves back or sabotage our best efforts along life's path.  
    Struggling to feel worthy is a normal way to feel at times in this human life. 
    What matters is how we meet ourselves there and I think you'll appreciate the insights and tips that I've got for you in the episode today! What're you waiting for? Come on in!! 

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    18 min
  • The Truth About Worth
    Jun 2 2022

    The truth is that we are born complete, totally whole, and enough.  We have never NOT been worthy and nobody can make it not so, or make us worthless! But, we forget this truth about ourselves. We worry that we're not enough. We believe that our worth must be earned or proven. Our assignment is to remember that we are born complete. Only then can we unlock the handcuffs that hustle & diet cultures have us bound within. Living from a place of inherent worth is profound and powerful.  This episode is a good one - come on in!

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    22 min
  • Getting a Grip on False Guilt
    May 26 2022

    False guilt is essentially about blaming ourselves. It’s that feeling that we’ve done something wrong or that we need to apologize for ourselves, even in the absence of actual wrongful action or harm (ie. not guilty). False guilt causes us to second-guess ourselves, lowers our self-esteem and makes us feel overly responsible for other’s thoughts or feelings - things that are outside of our control. In this episode, I share how you can get a grip on this false guilt so you can show up more unapologetically, in the TRUTH of your worth!!

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    18 min