You’re invited to embark on an unprecedented quest for Self-discovery, seeking meaning and purpose amidst the complexities of modern life. A Dialogue hosted by a Shaman in Journey and a Wounded Mother in Awakening.
The Naked Journey unfolds as a deeply intimate dialogue between an INFJ Pisces, a Shaman in Journey and an INFP Capricorn embodying the archetype of a Wounded Mother. Throughout this season, we explore the intricate interplay of masculine and feminine energies and symbols, exploring the fluidity and complexity of the Self-discovery process.
#thenakedjourney #podcast #powercouple #spirituality #infj #infp #ashamaninjourney #woundedmotherawakening
Music: “Earth Tones" by Hpnotic718
Co-Created by: @ashamaninjourney & @her_revolucioncreativestudios
Produced by: Lost Raven Studios |
Link to Podcast Episodes:
Spotify Link:
YouTube Link:
"The Severing: Judgment & Abandonment"
This episode we explore themes of separation, emotional abandonment, and the transformative impact of facing judgments—both internal and external. Through the unique perspectives of an INFJ Pisces Shaman and an INFP Capricorn embodying the Wounded Mother archetype, this conversation aims to navigate the complex emotional terrain of judgment, Self-acceptance, and healing.