The gangs all here today The Social Dose!! Paris (@parisnicholson) and Michael (@mjudsonberry) are finally joined by our ever elusive social scientists. Associate Producer Sunny (@sunnybalkin), says Don't. Be. F***ing. RUDE. as she takes the group back to school with Sunny’s School for Social Media Etiquette! Then, you can count (von count) on Producer Chelsea (@allchelsfails) to share her obsession with the Muppets Twitter acCOUNTS *ba dum tiss*. And Finally, Senior Producer Danielle (@disfordanie) digs into all of your girl dinner chip must haves!! You’re going to want to hear her surprising, but scrumptious, recommendations. A Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at and follow us at @sonypodcasts To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email Do you have a viral video or post you want us to talk about? Share it with us at the! A Sony Music Entertainment production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit