Welcome to season 2! On what was originally our first episode of Season 2, Marc and Dave make the huge decision to pivot to a True Crime Podcast! This decision lasted all of 2 seconds before we realized that it was a bad idea. So sit back and enjoy our interview with Anna and Matt from *THE* Southern Growl!
But first, some well-deserved honorifics!
Matt Bowes
- Founder and Owner of *THE* Southern Growl beer company
- Upstate chairman of the South Carolina Brewers guild
- 1 of 4 Certified Advanced Cicerones in South Carolina
- 1 of 164 Certified advanced Cicerones in the WORLD
Anna Bowes
- Owner of The Southern Growl
- Creative director
The Southern Growl has several Gold Medal winning beers on Tap -- Go taste them!
Key takeaways if you want to be a beer enthusiast
- Tasting Beer by Randy Mosher
- Passion and excitement should be what guides you
- More discussion of legislation than you are probably expecting, BUT SUPER IMPORTANT
- Food and Drink play well together. Carbonation is an excellent tool to accentuate food
- Keep pursuing knowledge
- Be patient and take small steps