On today’s episode, we discuss all news worth talking about surrounding this new Presidential “administration”, and then we dive into the history of Black players in the NFL.
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We support:
❤️ Black Women's Health Initiative: www.bwhi.org
❤️ Mars Mission Foundation: www.marsmissionfoundation.org
❤️ American Psychological Association: apa.org/topics/crisis-hotlines
#podcast #socialissues #currentevents #discussions #humanity #commonsense #politics #family #privilege #history #equality #equity #justice #humanrights #racism #world #America #grace #life #FBI #PumpkinSpicePalpatine #KamalaHarris #NFL #SuperBowl #BlackNFLPlayers #BlackQuarterbacks #BlackCoaches
**We claim no ownership of any of the music played in this episode. All ownership belongs to the artist and/or the record studio and/or the rights owner.**
Intro Music: Mike Post - The A-Team Theme